When an email address with a plus sign in it is passed as part of a url parameter from a marketing email, Hubspot urlencodes it as a space, not as a plus sign. While I recognize a plus sign is commonly used to indicate a space as part of a url, when urlencoding an email field, Hubspot should encode it as a plus sign, because emails cannot include a space but they can include a plus sign. For example, if we have a marketing email with the link https://mylandingpage.com/?email={{contact.email}} sent to email address johndoe+personal@somedomain.com this will incorrectly resolve to https://mylandingpage.com/?email=johndoe %20personal%40somedomain.com the correct url encoding in this case should be: https://mylandingpage.com/?email=johndoe %2Bpersonal%40somedomain.com The result of this for Hubspot landing pages is that they will not match on the contact record for personalization data to be shown. I'd classify this as a bug, as the other email provider we use does correctly url encode emails with a plus sign in them. If unable to be respolved on the marketing email side, this could also be resolved on the landing page side by better regex matching on the email url parameter.