Hi, Companies that have custom iOS apps need to be able to support universal links (deep links). This is where a user gets a link (via email or through other means), taps on that link, and then iOS automatically opens the company app referenced in that link. Currently, it's not possible with hubspot, because we cannot upload to the root folder. It's simple to fix, all that apple requires is for us to host a static json file at https://mycompany.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association. See apple documentation: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppSearch/UniversalLinks.html1 I asked support about this, and they agreed it's not currently possible, see https://integrate.hubspot.com/t/how-to-set-up-universal-links-in-hubspot-for-ios/7776 One possible solution: give us access to the /.well-known/ folder, without needing to give us access for the root folder.
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