Dear Team, In many countries we have requirements to add certrain country-specific information (like HBR-Number, juristication etc. in Germany). It would be great if we could get a customizable footer, where we can add such specific information. I already know the workaround via the comment field or adding a number to the company, but tbh. these invoices look unprofessional. __ Who (what type of role or team) is the feature for? Every customer wanting to create invoices via hubspot located in the EU (maybe even other countries) What is their goal? To create legal-binding invoices in a b2b context What value will this add? HubSpot can replace existing invoicing solutions and make it easier for HubSpot customers to have invoicing integrated Are there examples of other places or products that have this feature? Just to name two open-source tools: Dolibarr InvoiceNinja Screenshots, pictures, drawings, process diagrams, are helpful.
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