I am was looking for a concise answer to the min/max length for email preview text strings, and the optimized length to use. Below I identify five (5) issues and give four (4) recommendations for improving the HubSpot Knowledge base and Knowledge Base Results Pages (KBRPs). HubSpot provides highly conflicting information and the knowledge base provides no help is resolving the conflict. Experientially it would seem that HubSpot isn't an email domain expert -- which doesn't reflect well on HubSpot. In-app a preview string of 82 Chars results in a yellow indicator that the length is too short., "This is the results of major research and development of email best practices (82)" Publicly HubSpot recommends preview text length of precisely 50 characters (link) anchored link What is the perfect length for email preview text string? I tried searching knowledge base with search queries like, "Preview text length limit" and "Email preview text" I didn't get any results that contained anything closely related to my search, and diff. not what I was seeking. It's very hard to use knowledge base because the article preview isn't contextual to the search query. Google get's far far better results. HubSpot Blog has an answer for this question, but doesn't provide much context. The HubSpot blog post (with anchored lnk) that contains the answer "50" has a hyper text link to an article with zero information about "preview text" That is the same article the knowledge base is promoting as the 1st result. Recommendations: HubSpot Knowledge Base should be better than Google Search for HubSpot's knowledge domain. Knowledge base results pages (KBRPs) should show or have an drop down option to reveal the contextual text as to why that result is included in the KBRPs Akin to the Google one answer box I get that some terms have complex issues, "Preview emails" vs. "Email Preview Text" vs. "Preview text string limits" vs. "Recommended Preview text length" When HubSpot has a recommendation that is different than or more nuanced than generic knowledge (preview strings can be from 40 to 140 chars; HubSpot recommends 50 characters) -- HubSpot should contextualize the recommendation. Ie., why does HubSpot recommend 50 chars? E.g, point to research, polls, tests; provide something that indicates why this is "right answer." It's hard to believe that HubSpot is the domain expert on emails based on these results. The clear answer "50 Chars" is great "top answer" but a real expert would have additional information as to why. Poor search results 82 chars isn't long enough | what is the right size?
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