Idea / Request / Recommendation: Hubspot should automatically apply existing "conversion source" logic to the Custom Events "touchpoint" property, when Custom Events are tracked via JS, API, or Visualizer. The Hubspot Custom Events Tool [accessed by going to Reporting & Data > Custom Events, or via {where your account ID replaces 123456789}] automatically creates a default event property called "touchpoint source", which has the internal name hs_touchpoint_source. There are 4 ways of creating event data: Visualizer Spreadsheet import Javascript API For the latter 3 (Spreadsheet, Javascript + API), users are expected to define the touchpoint source from the list described at Yet in the latter two cases (Javascript + API), the code a user might need to write in order to get and populate the appropriate data is a replication of existing Hubspot code: Hubspot already knows the "latest converstion source" data for these user actions. It just needs to be applied to the Custom Event data. Worse yet, for the first method (Custom Events tracked codelessly via the Events Visualizer) it's actually not possible to define the touchpoint source. So these events lack the critical source information that would make them useful marketing data. Thus, my recommendation: Hubspot should automatically apply "conversion source" logic to the Custom Events "touchpoint" property, when Custom Events are tracked via JS, API, or Visualizer.
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