A contact can't resubscribe himself to a subscription type when he submits a form. As a test, I unsubscribed from a subscription type "ebooks" via the subscription preferences page, configured in my settings and displayed in my email at the bottom. I was still subscribed to other subscription types. After that, I created a form where I put a checkbox to subscribe to "ebooks". To my surprise, people who submit the form, aren't resubscribed to the subscription type again, even if they select the checkbox which states that they want to be (re)subscribed. What's the difference between the subscription preferences page, and submitting a form with checkboxes where they can opt-in (again) to the subscription types selected? For us, this is a real show-stopper. We want to use the GDPR functionality, but it still needs to have some tweaking. We want to exclude the path where people unsubscribe via the subscription preferences page, request an ebook, and don't receive the email because they cannot resubscribe via a form submit, which includes the confirmation/checkbox of that subscription type.