HubSpot Ideas


how to utilize "top engaged contacts" from a marketing email

There is a great new dashboard in the marketing performance tab within each email that has been sent through HubSpots marketing portal. it shows how many times each contact has opened/clicked an email.


unfortunatley at the moment there is no actionable way to use this information because you cannot add it to a smartlist or build a report out of it. It would be really great to see this be added as a contact property value so that we can use this as a way to prioritize sales follow ups based on email engagement.

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: Not Currently Planned
May 19, 2020 02:40 AM

Hi Contributers, thank you for the idea and for all the feedback. As Shay mentioned there is some significant work that is still in progress. It will not be landing in the next quarter so for transparency and clarity, I am updating this issue to 'Not currently planned' for the time being. I will update here once we are ready to share some updates.





November 18, 2019 07:16 AM

Appreciate the follow up, everyone. While this idea isn't in development right now we're always keeping a close eye on the feedback to help inform the future roadmap. @LukePrAlc specifically related to your feedback, would you consider 10+ opens on a specific email as the differenciator, or just 10+ opens in one day of any emails you've sent them as valid in this case? I.e. a filtering option of "Contact has opened any email >10 times in <24hrs"?

May 19, 2019 04:43 PM

Appreciate the feedback @ltowers and @paju, thanks for sharing

April 18, 2019 09:35 AM

Hi all, appreciate all the votes and feedback on this post!


I have some good, and not so good, updates to share on this specific feature. The good news is that we're deep into a pretty significant overhaul of the email reporting infrastructure to move it onto HubSpot's more modern and feature-rich reporting systems which will unlock a lot of new reporting features and capability. The existing email reporting systems were some of the first we built at HubSpot, and have served us well over the years, but they have a good way to come to meet the more flexible and customisable expectations we have today, which should unlock a lot more options including some of the ones described here.


The not so good news is that this project is not the most straightforward task. We don't have a concrete answer on exactly how long this will take but it's actively being worked on and is a top priority for us.


In the meantime, it'd be super helpful to get to know a little more about how you'd leverage this data in your usage of HubSpot. There's a few ideas we've been floating around but we can't quite pin down which is the most relevant to the particular needs here. To list out what we have in mind: 


  1. Would you want to be able to create lists out of the top engaged contacts on a per-email basis? 
    • I.e. a list filter that looks a little something like "Email Activity" > "April Ebook Offer Email" > "Is top engaged contacts"
  2. Create a smart list of all top engaged contacts across all emails ever?
    • I.e. a running list of the most engaged contacts (by raw open/click counts) across all emails ever sent
  3. A report that shows the most engaged contacts (by raw open/click counts) within a set window of time (i.e. last 30 days)
  4. An updated/improved contac timeline card that does more to highlight the count of opens/clicks a contact did on a specific email?
    • I.e. an improvement on:
  5. Any alternatives?

We're very interested in understanding how you'd like to see and use this data inside your portal, so any and all context is appreciated. Thanks!

77 Comentarios

This is the primary reason we're moving from HubSpot Sales to Outreach.


I made this same request but this one is more clearly expressed.  This would be a valuable enhancement to people who are using this information.  


We need this desperately! Any updates since April 2019?


Just provide the ability to export all the fields into a csv file.  That should be a quick fix and allow us to choose and format the data tha we need.  If you have difficulty narrowing the number of fields survey the users to learn which fields are most important to us. 

Miembro | Partner

Thanks @Shay  for the responses. We would use opens per email in a timeframe to evaluate interest as well as momentum of internal discussions. For example, we'd want to notify a salesperson if a contact opens a marketing email 10+ times in a day because that shows a particularly engaged contact or a contact who forwarded the email to an internal team. Finding out through the dashboard or email reports means that we may have lost the momentum of that internal discussion, so being able to target # of email opens in a smartlist or workflow would be very helpful.

Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Appreciate the follow up, everyone. While this idea isn't in development right now we're always keeping a close eye on the feedback to help inform the future roadmap. @LukePrAlc specifically related to your feedback, would you consider 10+ opens on a specific email as the differenciator, or just 10+ opens in one day of any emails you've sent them as valid in this case? I.e. a filtering option of "Contact has opened any email >10 times in <24hrs"?

Miembro | Partner

Thanks @Shay  for the reply. I'm using "10+ opens" just to keep things consistent, but that isn't a magic number for us. We would be using email opens with or without time context to judge engagement, intent, and indications of possible internal conversations. We wouldn't track a specific email (like "october newsletter") in this way, but we'd want to differentiate between the number of opens on one email, and the aggregate opens across multiple emails in a given time frame. Here's a few scenarios, as both examples you provided would be useful in different ways. 

1. A Contact opens one email 10+ times in one day - This would show the highest intent with the highest urgency out of the four choices. If we saw this, there's a good chance that the targeted contact is either exceptionally engaged, or they've forwarded a marketing email internally and that team is engaged in a timely manner. This would be a strong indication that it's the right time for a salesperson to reach out and assist the internal conversation, and the salesperson would be able to look at the forwarded marketing email to see which topic was engaging. (ex. contact opens 1 email 10 times in one day)
2. A contact opens any emails 10+ times in one day - This is an interesting option, as it could indicate that one contact found a pain point, saw one of our marketing emails, and then started to go through their inbox to look at past marketing emails. While we wouldn't see this as an indication of an internal conversation, we would definitely see this as an engaged contact with high interest. (ex. contact opens 5 emails 2 times in 24 hours)
3. A contact opens one email 10+ times regardless of timeframe - This shows either an internal forward and lower-urgency engagement (as it has taken other contacts longer than 24 hours to open the forwarded email), or a contact that is particularly engaged with the topic of a given marketing email. Either way, we'd want to track this separately as the above lists, but we'd certainly want to know when this threshold was met by any given contact.  (ex. contact opens one email 10 times regardless of timeframe)
4. A contact opens any emails 10+ time regardless of timeframe - This just shows general engagement over time with our marketing emails. We probably wouldn't use this as a trigger for immediate sales actions, but it's good to know and would likely play into our lead scoring. 

When it comes to "Open one email" or "open any email", we likely wouldn't track a specific email like "october newsletter", but instead we'd want to know if there were 10+ opens for one email (regardless of the specific marketing email) or if there are 10+ opens across all emails combined (meaning of the x amount of emails this person received, they've reached a threshold of 10 opens over a given timeframe. ex. Opening 3 emails 3 times and one email once over the course of a week = 10+ email opens in a week)

Hopefully the context helps, let me know if you want any clarification.


Hi guys, just wondering whether we have a report that can see this? I want to give a report to the sales team showing them who is opening these EDMs so they can follow up.



Participante | Partner
Participante | Partner

@Shay  - what's the latest on this. It's very frustrating to not be able to do anything with the Top Engaged Contacts..... 😞


Yeh could use an update guys this is pretty basic and required by a lot of people

HubSpot Employee

upvote and commenting as well on behalf of my customer is trying to export this data to do direct outreach with this contacts.


Hi @Shay , I'll just add one more nudge from the market on this idea. I was engaged with support over the course of two days and the last person I spoke with sighed because she couldn't figure out a way to help me and pointed me to this idea. It's a great idea.


It's so frustrating because I can see that HubSpot is tracking how many times a Contact opens a given Email, but I can't use that information in any meaningful way at scale.


In my head I can see prospects reading and forwarding and clicking on my email. It looks like money left on the table.


10+ opens and 5 clicks over a couple of days? That's a highly engaged and interested account. But the only way I can find out who they are is to manually go in and look at the results of each email. Probably daily so I make sure to get them all.


Please, make this something that we can filter for in lists/workflows/etc. It will make a huge difference.




Personally would love to see something like this implemented within the workflows. 

If contact has opened/clicked at least x% of emails in workflow then take this action.


Our end goal is to get people who've been highly engaged in the workflow emails to be pushed over to our sales team for a phone call. 

Participante | Partner
Participante | Partner

Yes, please upvote this request - it's sort of silly to show the data but not be able to utilize it elsewhere within the solution....

Miembro | Partner

Hey team, perhaps on an email campaign basis, best way if to export opens to a list. Then select top engaged manually to your own Top Engaged Contacts static list... somewhat manual but possible. Cheers!

Estado actualizado a: Not Currently Planned
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hi Contributers, thank you for the idea and for all the feedback. As Shay mentioned there is some significant work that is still in progress. It will not be landing in the next quarter so for transparency and clarity, I am updating this issue to 'Not currently planned' for the time being. I will update here once we are ready to share some updates.






We really need this option, Please address asap as it would assist with the sales process and lead generation we are looking for. 


Another vote here!  This really needs to be a priority.  In just a few weeks of working with HubSpot, this list has directly guided Customers that are clearly interested in our company and we've quickly closed New Business based on # of opens/email.  I would greater than 10 for sure, but also between 5-10 with click rate activity would an additional metric.


If you could just let us save it as a list  with the # of open value and/or # of click values, we can come up strategies from there using workflows, lead scoring, or custom fields.


Please, Please, Please prioritze this!




I find Hubspot incredibly useful, but this one thing remains unbelievably frustrating. We use the Hubspot score, but the fact I have to click through to see contacts engaging in my emails 5 at a time when it could so easily be pulled into a report or a list is frustrating. It's such an obviously useful functionality, I have to wonder if it exists behind a reporting paywall. Can anyone from Hubspot or with full reporting functionality confirm one way or another?


No doubt Hubspot would want this functionality if it was using its own CRM.


I put this as a must have along with being able to filter on the engagements. Ie user clicked or opened email ><= to X.