La fonction de suggestion automatique permet d'affiner rapidement votre recherche en suggérant des correspondances possibles au fur et à mesure de la frappe.
When I am trying to customize elements in the knowledge base template, I have the options to add the company logo, and a link to the website, the link to the customer portal , link a support form, and also of a sign in button since we use private content which requires registration.... nothing else.
What i simply do not get , and wonder why you have added this duplication , is that these elements of the navigation bar are also being replicated into the footer of the knowledge base page. There is an option to add additional links into the footer, but no option to not display the same elements as in the navigation bar.
Makes no sense to me.
Support advised that this functionality cannot be modified and these elements will always show up in both places. ... why?
I consider this more of a bug than a feature request , but support cannot assist.
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