HubSpot Ideas


disable hyperlinks on blog comments

hi there, when people comment on our blog posts, they have the option of including their website, and if they do then their published comment links back to their site. We do not want to provide linkbacks to other people's sites from our blog and we don't want readers to be able to click through to someone else's website from a blog comment. It is a shame that we can't show the comment at all if we don't want the link to appear. Please make disabling hyperlinks an option for blog comments (especially as a default).  Thanks!

4 Replies

This is already possible. The comments section of your blog functions through an autogenerated hubspot form. Search "comment" in your forms and you should be able to find the form associated with your blog. Edit the form and remove the website option.


Thanks DeanFrazier for pointing out the removal from the form. I've now done this myself so future comments won't have the website hyperlink (hopefully). But in regards to the actual request, i think it would still be nice to be able to turn on or off the website hyperlink as required. It would just be nice to have a bit more control over it as sometimes we might actually want an outgoing link (that isn't spam or mistyped)


The problem I face is similar to this. I have removed the website option from the form, and I have even removed all associated website data from all of my contacts and companies, but whenever an old contact exists, you can see that their name is highlighted and is clickable. Most of the time they are linking to random sites and competitor companies. I have looked everywhere, and there is no way to disable this. It's a pretty attrocious oversight on HubSpot's part and remarkablely unrefined and unprofessional. I cannot see any use for having the commenter's name hyperlinking to a different website.


I'm mostly confused about why is it that even after I deleted their website information that it still actively links to the website their contact is associated to and why I can't intuitively deactive the ability for a commenter to add a link to our website. It hurts our SEO. 


Here is one of our blog posts as example, comments are at the bottom where you can experience the issue:


Edit: So I temporarily covered up the issue. I went into the developer mode and applied some CSS that disabled the functionality of the link so that it no longer was clickable. The problem is, the link to the scam anc competitor websites is still within the code of the website, so it doesn't fix the issue with it saying that our website has low quality links that affect our SEO. Still trying to completely remove the links, will update once solved.


@chcfxI dont know if this will help you, but i added this code into the blog_comments module:

$( window ).on( "load", function() {
    $("#comments-listing .comment-from h4 a").removeAttr("href");


Seems to work for now until there is fix/workaround from hubspot.