I found a detailed article that describes a workaround for cloning KB articles. It's not ideal, as it requires lots of steps. But it is more worth it if you are cloning multiple articles.
Thanks for your comment, yes many users have upvoted this request. It would be really useful to have a skeleton article that has the basic structure that we use already set up. That would save a lot of repeat work.
Thanks for that work around - for our purposes, I could do this a one off to get a skeleton template article to import as required for new articles. I had a quick preview of the Hubspot import instructions, it looks as though you can import only one article, so that should work well!
This is a simple time saving function that should be avilable. I need to create article with similar information and setup and shouldnt have to start new every time! Whats the timeline on this!
I wouldn't call this a feature request but a major missing function.
Yeah I have a big major issue because we can clone articles.
Here my problem :
We are doing a major update on our system therefore most of our articles are ok because the update isn't live but when the update will go live, our system will be different and our clients need to know where / what to look for.
So if we could clone article, i'd be able to copy paste one full section and work offline on those articles and when the day come of this update, i'll just remove old ones and put live the new ones I worked before the update.
Right now, i'm going to put offline a whole section because there is no other way. Our clients are impacted because of this.
This would be very helpful. We have two products that share features. We create duplicate articles but affiliate them separately with each product for these shared features. Right now this is a lot of work. I also agree with the original post that the ability to copy an article would be helpful for translation. Additionally, copying articles and editing them can be especially helpful when trying to maintain a standardized format. You can edit the content and have the shell you've created remain the same.
Noticed it too when I tried cloning an article but couldn't find the option but I could for all other content. Hoping that this feature gets rolled out too as I'm sure it will be useful for others as well! 🙂
Totally agreed that this feature needs to be enhance and I hope this bring your team attention. This has been brought up since 2020 (or even before this) with 29 comments and 82 upvotes. However, there's still no enhancement.
Appreciate if the team look into this. doing the manually copy and paste articles for 1 is ok. Having more than 50 articles to do manually is painful and time consuming.
This should be basic functionality! We do knowledge articles for specific subscription levels and different languages. Cut and paste loses A LOT of formatting and it incredibly time consuming.
V much agree this is basic functionality that is missing! And very weird that you can clone everything else (LPs, emails, blog articles), but not knowledge base articles!