HubSpot Ideas


Would like to bulk edit scheduled Social Media posts

Sometimes I'd like to shift around scheduled social media posts. However, when managing dozens of accounts, you can only edit them one by one. Very time-consuming process.

3 Replies

I Am surprised this idea has been submitted in 2021 and no response had been given. 

I currently manage around 60 accounts, and editing scheduled posts is currently a nightmare. 

It is currently not possible to select a specific date,so to find the post you want to edit you need to search page by page,  and it is not possible to bulk edit text, image, or date. 

Please review this idea and implement something that would make managing socials less time consuming. 








Please review the bulk edit option. This is essential when managing multiple pages. 


Our company has many linked social posts and to edit individually has been really frustrating. Also, if I schedule weeks in advance, it is a mess to comb through. Can HubSpot somehow look at how Hootsuite groups their scheduled posts and try to match this part of their service?