HubSpot Ideas


Workflow with multiple data sources

I am raising this idea post on behalf of a customer who was working within workflows and needs better functionality of crossing data sources.


We were specifically working to remove a contact from a sequence based on their Pipeline stage - and found this automation particularly difficult as it is not possible to pull associated contacts into a sequence from a deal-based workflow.

Ideally, it would be wonderful to have multiple data-sets available within a workflow in order to best access the contacts who have an associated deal in the correct deal stage.

We reviewed utilizing if/then branches within a contact-based workflow, but there is a certain counter-intuitiveness to not being able to access this info from the deal side, and only being able to pull from the contact end. 

Being able to create a workflow that accesses multiple data points would rectify this issue among many others, but I felt this was specifically a great exmaple of this feature request, and am posting here accordingly. 

2 Replies
Community Manager

This would be awesome-- especially if we could then copy/set property values across objects too


Yes please!
I'm having this issue now with a workflow that's ticket/contact-based.
The current workaround is a another workflow that gets the contact property and copies it to a ticket property. It's the exact same information, but I need it in a ticket based workflow.