HubSpot Ideas


Workflow Trigger if property has changed

A good option would be to be able to select in the trigger whether a property has changed and only then start the workflow. This means not at the first entry, but only from the second entry onward. In other words, the workflow should be triggered only when there is a change from the original value. For example, in the case of a changed contract start date (date property), a task should be created, but only in this case.

2 Replies

Supporting this proposition!
I don't know what value the property will be changed to so the options available today (property value is "..." or a formula don't suit me - I just need to set up an action when someone edits the property - to anything


A workaround for this ...


Create a custom number property to indicate how many times the Contract Start Date has been updated ("Contract Start Date Updated"). 


Set the enrollment trigger to Contract Start Date is Known (which will trigger on first entry as well as every time it changes); turn on re-enrollment.


The first step would be to increase "Contract Start Date Updated" by 1.


Then, if/then branch to check if "Contract Start Date Updated " = 1 - no nothing.

If 2+, create task.