I'm Jess, a product manager on HubSpot's Automation team. Thank you all for your input for this idea. I'm excited to share the product team is actively working on workflow error notifications, along with some other error management enhancements! If you are interested in participating in the Beta (it will likley be later this year) for workflow error notifications, as well as for other workflow error management features, please contact me directly at jhartnagle@hubspot.com.
Hello @JHartnagle . Checking to see if there have been any updates to add this to the roadmap? We just experienced a pretty major issue due to a workflow error flying under the radar.
We are working on a series of error management improvements in 2023, including notifications. The first improvement (it's not notifications) will be out of beta and available to everyone next week. It includes additional information about workflows with errors, along with the ability to clear the workflow from the workflows with errors list <>. Error Notifications is coming - I will definitely update this group with beta details when it's ready. I appreciate all your insights and patience.
We released the next iteration of workflow issue/error management to public beta last week. With this update you can set preferencesfor the types of workflow issues you want to monitor. You can choose to ignore trivial issues indefinitely, while critical issues can be set for review every time they occur. You can also set preferences to review specific workflow issues on certain dates or after set time periods. The preferences you set will determine what shows up for review on the tab on the main workflows page. We expect this feature to go to an automated rollout for everyone begin using it next week. If you would like to join the public beta this week, go to Product Updates > Early Access > [Public Beta] Workflows - Issue Details Panel with Reminders.
The next iteration of workflow issue/error management is workflow notifications.
Question regarding workflow notifications for anyone who would like to share feedback: Is there a prefered channel through which you would like to receive notifications about workflow issues? Slack, email, in-app, mobile app, any other channels? I appreciate your feedback!
Hi @JHartnagle , we would use the notification via email. I tried to activate the public beta in our Marketing Enterprise account. However, I dont see the button for it. Is it already live?
Sorry I'm not sure where to access this "If you would like to join the public beta this week, go to Product Updates > Early Access > [Public Beta] Workflows - Issue Details Panel with Reminders.
Hello @JHartnagle , is the feature in development to get an email notification, when a workflow throws an error? I currently see in the beta that while checking the worklow errors to set a notification, if this kind of error happens again. I am looking for a timely notification as soon as a workflow error appears. Best regards, Deborah
Hi @JHartnagle I'm not seeing this in the list of betas. I would like to be notified by email when any of my workflows encounters an issue. Is this feature available yet?
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