HubSpot Ideas


Workflow Error Notifications

Receive a notification for whenever one of my workflows encounters an error.

This would avoid missing leads in real time due to undetected errors.

104 Commentaires

I just had this happen on our end as well.  We had a lead that came in, was enrolled in the workflow...but never went any further.  Needless to say, the workflow didn't trigger any emails or sales rep notifications.


It would be GREAT if I could have received an error notification.


I found a several workflows with broken branches today due to alerts flagged for field options that were no longer correct. The workflow didn't send an email to me and there was no way for me to know this. 


An alert about broken workflow issues that emails you would be really helpful. It would sure help keep the workflow running correctly and avoid admins digging through rabbit holes when they don't see data synching correctly. 


Ultimately - it would reduce HS support calls. So it's in their best interest to dig into this one. 


This is vital!  Plus it would be so EASY to implement!  Hubspot already has a little alert indicator that shows up on the Alerts button when there is issues - it is trivial to simply pass that alert indicator up one level so that when looking at the workflows you can eaily see which workflows have an Alert - or even better, to be able to filter the workflows to show those with Alerts / Errors. 


Hey, Community,


Does anyone know how to set notifications to myself when an error occurs in a workflow?


I've created a few workflows - and they were working fine - only to discover that it'd stopped enrolling my contacts after a change I made in one of the criterias. Btw, I discover it only by acident.




I just realized today that this is not a thing in Hubspot, and I can't believe it! This is absolutely vital functionality. I just discovered today that some workflows have not been working correctly since 2015! When you have 90+ workflows, as we do, it is impossible to go in and look through each and every one, and check every branch.


There isn't even a way for us to see at a glance which workflows are OK and which are having issues, you literally need to check and click in to each and every branch of every worflow. For a product as expensive as yours, this is an absolute must. Zapier's free version sends me an email everytime there is an error with a workflow I create there...


Yes! In the interim, a simply solution. Roll up the "alerts" within each workflow to a summary of alerts along with the workflow it belongs to (at minimum). That's existing functionality - simply rolled up into a centralized report.  Since each workflow already flags an "alert" inside the workflow (albeit silently) - just make those visible in a summary view of sorts.


@Hello_u are you saying that your suggested solution is something we can implement now as a workaround or is this another suggestion to hubspot on how to handle? If this is implementable now, can you provide clarity on how one would do that? Support tells me it is not possible currently. 


I'm thinking it's just a suggestion for HubSpot to implement.


@hvy_weight It's related to this major issue reported by @bellawu but it's a interim option as they work their way to a more intuitive and overall solution to the problem of managing workflow quality control. 


It's not currently something that you or I can do. I'm just trying to guide the support team in the direction of using the alerts that already exist and simply making them visible elsewhere. It's a shorter distance than overhauling workflow reporting. I'm sorry that I do not have the technical expertise on how to fix it exactly. 

Participant | Partenaire solutions

Commenting here for visibility. It's crazy to me that there's no sort of notification when workflows error out. I just noticed that a webhook has been failing intermittently for over a day. There's no reason HS shouldn't alert me about that!


Did hubspot ever implement this????


@bseaman1 Nope. They have created an alerts notification area per workflow, but nothing that sends any physical alerts if you are viewing and editing that workflow. I can't even fathom why this is not a priority for a platform that bills itself as being one of the most robust marketing automation systems out there.

Contributeur de premier rang



@willcurran what do you mean yes? it was finally implemented? 

Contributeur de premier rang

@bseaman1 sorry didn't look at the second page and just bad timing. I was just saying Yes, we need this.


This just happen to me as well.  It is a costly mistake when leads are not routed because of an error in a workflow.  We need some ability to know when it happens and correct the issue.


I have needed this on multiple occasions. Seems like every week we find a workflow bug due to a missing/changed contact property or HS user no longer active. Workflow Error Notification options would save from time passing before errors are "found" manually. By the time you find the workflow that is not processing contacts correctly and see the error messages, you have already identified the issue.

HubSpot Employee

Posting on behalf of a customer. They are looking for a similar feature where they would be able to get a notification for workflow errors and failures. 


This is vital - I would think so many in our community are routing leads via workflow. When you find out that a Salesforce sync error or property change caused a lead not to route, only by digging through alerts in Workflow History - not a good process!


Is this possible by now? Can't find a solution when I go through Hubspot.