As our organization does a lot of work with Latin America, WhatsApp integration is essential for the growth of our organization. It is a tool that is necessary for any business in Latin America and integration with HubSpot would make our job so much easier. Please consider ASAP!
This idea has not been delivered. None of the apps in the HubSpot app marketplace support the WhatsApp Business API to allow for directly messaging clients from the Conversations tab, which is the focus of this thread.
If the app marketplace served our needs, there wouldn't be occasional comments on this topic asking for the feature.
Apologies if I was too hasty; I found the message on the state "delivered" to be extremely unhelpful as it does not explain what has been delivered and how.
@dhirajpandey does your integration allow for incoming messages to the Conversations panel, to provide live messaging with interested leads in the same way as email and facebook messenger?
@Eelviny, HubSpot doesn't have any API for conversations, so we can't have the communication sent to the Conversations. Instead we have created a custom dashboard, which will have the live messaging feature. Soon we will integrate those messages to their HubSpot profiles. That's all within HubSpot.
Thanks for the info @dhirajpandey. From what I see you're working around the limitations that HubSpot has imposed, and you haven't got everything in yet.
This brings back my original question then: @poconnell how can this thread be marked as delivered when the idea has not been completely and properly integrated? Maybe this thread needs to be split into to sections as right now I see that the idea is quite broad.
Either HubSpot needs to actually do the work to integrate this idea, or needs to enable app makers to properly integrate apps into the system.
I agree with @Ryang80 in that it should be a properly integrated feature as part of HubSpots offerings, but with the understanding that it can't be free of course. While the work done on apps in the marketplace is really good, I lean toward the former. WhatsApp is, in many places of the world, more prevalent than Facebook Messenger, and this has first party integration.
I didn't realise Whatsapp charge like a SMS, I thought it was free like the personal one as it is web based.
I am going down the route of Heymarket now to see if I can get it to meet my requirments, however, it seems to be very US based, and difficult to transfer to UK style (for phone numbers)
I have changed the status of this thread to 'being reviewed'. The Idea for this use case is currently not avaialble, but your ideas have been submitted and we will update this thread with more information soon.
Whatsapp integration is not currently planned in our coming cycles, but is something that we may consider in our later plans. We will keep this thread updated on any progress
Whatsapp is fantastic channel for our customers but really terrible for us.
From a Customer Service perspective - my main concern right now as opposed to Sales - we could maybe consider ditching Whatsapp if there was a way for clients to be notified on mobile that an agent had responded and clicking that notification brought them back to the chat.
This however is obviously a workaround as opposed to a great solution and risks damaging the customer experience.
Combined with fact that isn't good for sales , surprised this isn't a top priority. People have been saying is crucial for years but no movement. I'd really like to see Hubspot step up and build this the way they did the Slack integration and not have 3rdParty trying to hack around the Hubspot imposed limitations.
Hola Tenemos esta solución a través de e. Más de una persona puede usar el mismo número de WhatsApp desde cualquier lugar con la creación de chatbots en WhatsApp, distribución automática de chat e integración con Google Sheet,,, and more
Visite nuestro sitio web Awfar Whatsapp CRM y registre su cuenta gratuita o contacte con nuestro equipo a través de WhatsApp
You can send Template Message without waiting the permission and any other conditions
Only one Whatsapp number available on more than one device in the same time, so you will be sure that no two of your employees will replied to the same customer
Whatsapp chatbot to reply an infinite number of the customers at the same time automatically
What a shame that whatsapp the most commanly used communication method has no native integration. Customers are more active in reply to whatsapp over emails which is a clear business case for Sales Hub.
Its time to reevaluate! Every popular helpdesk software offers it and its a lot easier these days through Twilio. Its not a channel you can continue to ignire anymore.
a simple WhatsApp integration can be really useful, if you allow a mobile phone to be contacted simply by adding a link in the form of that includes the country code (without the + sign). This is very easy to add to the produt and will immediatley open the WhatsApp web (or mobile) app and allow us to type a message.
Logging of messages and tracking receipt, etc. is more difficult to implement but the above is really a low hanging fruit.