HubSpot Ideas


Website meta for Company profiles

Knowing what each company and/or prospect is doing on your website from page visits, page URL, time on page, and any relevant event meta is valuable information. 


Currently, the only way to achieve this is through 3rd party solutions like LeadFeeder and others which adds to the overall budget and increased workloads. See the screenshot below to see the data LeadFeeder delivers to the Company Activity feed. 


LeadFeeder to HubSpotLeadFeeder to HubSpot


With HubSpot's Prospect Tool and the tie-in already with Google Analytics, I believe that HubSpot can add this functionality natively into the system where the website meta (visitor meta) can be added to the companies profile/activity feed. This will prevent users from having to implement 3rd party resources and costs to achieve what I believe to be basic / out-of-the-box stuff.