The % Tax system works fine, we understood how to link Hubspot et Stripe for recurring payments quotes. However on a recurring quote, the VAT line gets lost because it is not comprised in the "Recurring sub-total", hence bad bad issues when integrating with Stripe. Can we do something to cope?
Most transactions these days are monthly recurring, so not to be able to add tax is rediculous. To have to do a manual transaction every month, for every customer beggers belief. Hubspot seriously need to address this as its a business critical issue for us.
Just make another recurring line item below your product labelled "VAT" or "HST" for us Canadians and manually calculate it. Then it will be charged by stripe.
Hubspot Support just tried to tell me that is a Problem from stripe. Pff hahaha. Guys at Hubspot, just integrate the Stripe API properly and it will work. We are a 5 ppl startup and figured this out. 🙈
There is an Integration that fixes this issue available in the HubSpot Marketplace. Its called Chargebee Quote to Cash.
Quote to Cash can automatically calculate Sales Tax on quotes from the HubSpot Sales Hub and issue credit card and digital payments links with the correct tax added and calculated direct from HubSpot.
Hi there! I am a HubSpot employee and work in our Support department. One of my customers just shared a very sensible use case with using HubSpot Quotes with our native Stripe integration, in that he charges a monthly subscription product and also needs to charge for VAT, yet Stripe does not carry over VAT charges into following months. This is problematic as customers need to be able to charge their own customers for monthly subscriptions where the VAT also needs to be charged monthly. Right now the only workaround in HubSpot that I have been able to find so far is the one mentioned in this thread regarding creating a line item to represent the VAT, which should be able to solve some use cases but is not an ideal experience. Thank you product team for considering this! 🙂
Completely agree! This is super poor. Kind of unacceptable.
I reported this to support and they told me to upvote this article - mental!
This is essentially a bug / issue with their software as far as I see it.
Here's what they offered as a solution:
"I've been doing some research on this, and it seems that this is actually a known behavior of our integration with Stripe. Other HubSpot customers have reported that Stripe does not carry over VAT into following months for recurring monthly payments. More can be found inthis Ideas Forum post, I've given it a vote and will also be commenting as I personally agree that this is problematic for use cases such as your own.
One alternative solution that other HubSpot users have tried (and is one of the comments in the post) iscreate a line itemthat represents the cost of the VAT, and include that in the quote, which will ensure that Stripe charges for it."
How the **bleep** can this be??? Absolutely useless when only the first payment works with VAT. I'm shocked that this topic is discussed for so long now.
If one adds recurring VAT as a line item, but you forecast ex VAT, you will essentially render the forecast tool unusable, as it will automaticaly forecast on inc. VAT if it is a line item.
I just hit exactly the same issue. The same is true for any recurring fees such as credit card processing fees, etc too. It's only possible to add them as line items, not in the fees section.
Wow.. Reading this in 2024 as I just came across the same problem. How can it be that after 4 years, this hasn't been solved?! HubSpot, please have a look at this and fix asap please!