HubSpot Ideas


Using snippets in task name

Our sales team while creating tasks worked a method to use "COMPANY NAME | CLINET SURENAME - shoet taks discription". We would like to use snippet to for it. 

Other idea is to make possibility to change defaul name of followup task. Instead of 'Follow up with Krzysztof PAWLAK' we would like to have 'COMTEC 3D | PAWLAK - follow up" 


It will speed up our process and make task more userfreindly.





4 Replies
Hall of Famer

I can see a lot of use cases for having the ability to set a default task name, either at the account level, or ideally at the individual user level (just like you can set your preferred task times individually). If there were a single line box that could be used and include personalization tokens, this would make task follow up more relevant to each type of user (sales vs service for example).

Participant | Platinum Partner

Agreed. I tend to have a lot of the same task types and I want to save myself typing the title out each time. I can put the snippet in the description of the task but I want to use it in the title of the task. Thanks!


I don't understand why I can't use snippets in task titles. Thi should be fixed. I cant imagine it's very hard to code. 

Participant | Platinum Partner

Yes please! As a partner we have a lot of clients where this use case fits.