HubSpot has the option to add 'Job Title' as a token when you personalize email signatures using Presets for users (Setting > Users & Teams > Presets). Below shows how you can customize the signature including the user's job title. We have created a Preset for all users where their individual email signature includes the personalization token of 'User Job Title'. However, we can't locate where do users add their job titles so that this info can be populated into the email signature.
Hi @TCastillo1 - you can access the Job Title data for your users by going to Presets, hovering over the name of the preset and clicking Actions > Assign email tokens. If you hover over a user and click Edit, you can update this information for all users in the preset. Is there a different place where you would prefer to edit the content for these custom tokens? Thanks!
Hi @TCastillo1 - you can access the Job Title data for your users by going to Presets, hovering over the name of the preset and clicking Actions > Assign email tokens. If you hover over a user and click Edit, you can update this information for all users in the preset. Is there a different place where you would prefer to edit the content for these custom tokens? Thanks!