HubSpot Ideas


Use workflow to trigger a sequence

I'd like to be able to use a hubspot workflow to enroll (and trigger) a contact into a sequence in the CRM.


I'd like to execute a sequence we've built in our HubSpot CRM when a contact property changes. eg; when contact property is set to 'X' trigger sequence 'Y'

HubSpot Updates
July 22, 2021 12:06 PM

Hi Community!


The ability to enroll a contact into a sequence or set criteria to unenroll contacts, is now live to all Service Enterprise and Sales Enterprise customers! You will see the 'Enroll in Sequence' action listed under actions in Workflows.


We are still working on several related projects that I recommend folks follow, especially if you are interested more ways to set up automation between Sequenes and Workflows.

  1. Trigger a sequence to enroll or unenroll automatically (Sales & Service Professional)
    1. Currently 'In development', this will provide the ability to automatically trigger a sequence, or set criteria for unenrollment on an indvidual sequence.
  2. Use sequences properties and activity as Contact filters in List and Workflows
    1. Allow more sophisticated filtering criteria in Lists and Workflows, based entirely on Sequences data and engagements

In Beta
May 26, 2021 08:08 AM

Hi Community,


I'd like to share some updates on the current beta for Enterprise customers and the upcoming features for Professional customers! A the bottom I've included a view of the designs we are currently planning and working towards for the Professional tier automation in Sequences. 


Sales/Service Enterprise feature: Enroll in sequence and unenroll from sequence workflow actions:

  • We now have over 180 active beta participants using the feature!
  • We are making some slights tweaks to the working and the UI, including a link to a Knowledge Base aticle that explains details on types of trigger criteria to avoid
  • We are implementing internal monitoring to be made aware of concerning usage that as potential for abuse. This will include any types of Workflows that will trigger more than 100 contacts to be enrolled in a sequence from the same criteria. We will work to make this more clear in the product, but while this feature does provide full flexibility in Workflows, we strongly discourage the use of this feature to enroll lists on contacts, or to create trigger criteria that would result in high volumes of proactive outreach


Sales/ Service Professional feature: Embedded automation within Sequences settings

  • This functionality will allow for automation via Workflows directly within the settings of any Sequence
  • The triggers here are more limited, but we feel cover a vast majority of the use-cases that we are excited to support!
  • We have made good progress from our research and internal alignment, and have broken ground on initial development
  • We've finished development to include a new "Automation" tab to Sequences
  • There are still several kinks and use-cases we need to work out in the designs before we have full confidence in all the details for how this will ultimately function, but we are feeling gooing about the general direction! 
  • Here is a video showcasing for this functionality may look like. This video is only showing designs, these are not yet features in beta

In Beta
May 07, 2021 05:40 AM

Hi folks! I'm happy to let you all know that we've made a number of developments and we're now moving this idea to 'In beta'. We will begin accepting Enterprise customers into the beta next week. The Professional featurs (described below) are still in development, and I will update here once those features are also in beta.


We are developing automated enrollment and unenrollment of Sequences in 2 different places: automation settings added within Sequences, and Sequences actions added to Workflows.


In beta for Sales Hub Enterprise and Service Hub Enterprise are 2 new actons in Workflows.  An 'Enroll in sequence' action and an `Unenroll from sequence` action.


  • `Enroll in Sequence` - enrolls a contact in a sequence of choice based on workflow criteria. The selected user/sender must have a paid Enterprise Sales or Service Hub seat. 
  • 'Unenroll from Sequence` - unenrolls a contact from any Sequence they are actively enrolled in. If the contact is not enrolled in a Sequence, nothing will happen, the step will be skipped. This feature will also be available at the Sales and Service Enterprise tier.

Here's what this looks like:




Still in development is an entirely new automation experience within Sequences that will allow for Workflow actions to be created within the settings of a Sequence. These settings will allow for automated enrollment of sequences, unenrollment of sequences, and soon more trigger actions and logic based on actions in Sequences. 

Here is a video showing some of the concepts that we are currently planning and developing. The images in these videos are concepts, and the final designs and functionality are subject to change!


Clip here:


In Planning
October 07, 2020 05:32 AM

Hi Community,


Thank you all for your patience as we reviewed and discussed the ability to "Use workflows to trigger a sequence". We're now planning to develop a solution to solve this need of automated enrollment. We will continue to monitor this board and provide an update once we are in development. 




Being Reviewed
April 15, 2020 08:58 AM

September 26, 2019 11:47 AM

Hi Community!


Thanks everyone who has contributed to this thread with comments and upvotes. We've been internally investigating ways to turn this idea into a reality. There are a number of great use-cases for how this could increase your teams efficiency, as well as numeruos potentially unwanted scenarios that we plan to avoid. This has made implementing a seemlingly simple feature to be surprisingly complicated!


If anyone would like to help, it would be great to discuss some of your use-cases, reasons, and ideas for how you would use this feature. I'd also like to share some questions and a few scenarios to get further thoughts and reactions to how we might implement this.  I plan to start setting up some calls in the next several weeks.


If you're interested, please send me a direct message!


- Glen

262 Replies

Hi Everyone,


Is there any update on this idea? We would need this feature for the following scenario.


When one of our prospects turns into a customer we take him through an onboarding process which starts with a one on one call with a customer success manager who is different from the salesperson who followed him until there. To make this call happen, we add the contact to a sequence of three emails that encourage the new customer to book some time with his customer success manager. We use sequences here because we want to benefit from the following features of sequences:


  1. The sequence stops when the client answers to one of the emails of the sequence
  2. The sequence stops when the client book a meeting with the user who added the client to the sequence

The above is unfortunately impossible with workflows as far as I know.


We can easily build a list of new customers (excluding repeating purchases, etc) so we could easily enroll new customers into an onboarding workflow which would include adding clients to the aforementioned sequence. Unfortunately, without the possibility of triggering sequences directly from a workflow, this is impossible.


Would it be at least possible to open the API which allows enrolling a contact in a sequence? At least advanced users could manage to make it work with a bit of business-logic-glue in the background.


@mgandi The example use case above is really great! We would benefit in the same way since we also use Hubspot to handle the customer success side after a deal is closed.


We need this because whenever we set up a new client we have multiple vendors to set up, each with their own process. I'd like to use the new client workflow I have now to trigger sequences of only tasks for each vendor process. The sequences allow me to make the tasks sequential so we can see exactly where each client is at instead of just creating all the tasks at once.



New client workflow triggered after quote paid for client Z.

They want Vendor Y, so sequence "Set up Vendor Y for client Z"



1. Create new task to reach out to Vendor Y with specific details

2. Receive login credentials from Yendor Y 

3. Set up training with client for Vendor Y's integration

4. Contact Vendor Y so that they can activate client Z's account



The process is different for each vendor, and we may be setting up 2 or 3 vendors per client. So the number of tasks would get overwhelming without using sequences. I'd like to avoid manually triggering the 2 to 3 sequences every time we get a new client.


This auomation is useful for us.  Hope to see it soon.



Top Contributor



Any updates on this? has been 3 years now

Yes! We need this so bad. So after a send a Quote through Hubspot it can trigger a Sequence would be VERY helpful!!!!

Working on it my ***. It's been 3 years. You guys need to implement this. It is such a simple feature for a sales CRM. 

My sales guys need this, as for now I have to manually go in and enroll people in a sequence after an estimate is sent. So pointless as it seems this could be such a majorly easy workflow to create.


agreed.  for a tool as sophisticated as this one, which is also priced the same way, having to manually do this it a problem.  we even researched if it could be done via the API and the answer is no.


@glencornell Is there an update on this since 9 months ago?


Of course these features are a lot more complex to develop than meets the eye, but there are many people on these forums desperate for this or forced to look at other platforms. I think this feature would also help you compete against 'outreach' focussed tools like


Would be a pleaseure to join the beta if it's on the way.


I second this! 


Since we're not ablet to unenroll contacts from workflows based on an email reply, being able to automate sequence enrollment would be the next best thing!


What the F? It's 2020, over 3 years later. No solution to this most obvious idea? 




Another bump since last month.


@glencornell Is there an update on this since 9 months ago?
Of course, these features are a lot more complex to develop than meets the eye, but there are many people on these forums desperate for this or forced to look at other platforms. I think this feature would also help you compete against 'outreach' focussed tools like
Would be a pleasure to join the beta if it's on the way.



Would be lovely to get this feature going or add reply tracking to marketing emails for nurturing purposes. 


Any updates??


Any updates?


Another bump for good measure


How goes the progress on this? It seems like such a simple thing with so many different applications to better control 1:1 messaging.


The other option is to be able to specify critera that can be met to trigger a sequence.


I'm sure that something can be done about this while maintaining compliance for email sending.


This feature would be a game changer but for some companies it might make Marketing Pro irrelevant. This conflict may explain the delay. Still, CRM software is more important than than marketing software so I doubt HubSpot would hold back Sales Pro because of product conflict. Just a reminder that @glencornell stated in 2019 that this feature was under investigation and asked for volunteers. Did anyone here volunteer who can provide an update? Glen has since been promoted so he presumably has more clout to advocate for this feature internally.

Not applicable

@netsquire I spoke to Glen in 2019 and gave him our use case examples. Haven't heard anything since, though.


Would also highly appreciate this!