I'd like to be able to use a hubspot workflow to enroll (and trigger) a contact into a sequence in the CRM.
I'd like to execute a sequence we've built in our HubSpot CRM when a contact property changes. eg; when contact property is set to 'X' trigger sequence 'Y'
The ability to enroll a contact into a sequence or set criteria to unenroll contacts, is now live to all Service Enterprise and Sales Enterprise customers! You will see the 'Enroll in Sequence' action listed under actions in Workflows.
We are still working on several related projects that I recommend folks follow, especially if you are interested more ways to set up automation between Sequenes and Workflows.
Currently 'In development', this will provide the ability to automatically trigger a sequence, or set criteria for unenrollment on an indvidual sequence.
I'd like to share some updates on the current beta for Enterprise customers and the upcoming features for Professional customers! A the bottom I've included a view of the designs we are currently planning and working towards for the Professional tier automation in Sequences.
Sales/Service Enterprise feature: Enroll in sequence and unenroll from sequence workflow actions:
We now have over 180 active beta participants using the feature!
We are making some slights tweaks to the working and the UI, including a link to a Knowledge Base aticle that explains details on types of trigger criteria to avoid
We are implementing internal monitoring to be made aware of concerning usage that as potential for abuse. This will include any types of Workflows that will trigger more than 100 contacts to be enrolled in a sequence from the same criteria. We will work to make this more clear in the product, but while this feature does provide full flexibility in Workflows, we strongly discourage the use of this feature to enroll lists on contacts, or to create trigger criteria that would result in high volumes of proactive outreach
Sales/ Service Professional feature: Embedded automation within Sequences settings
This functionality will allow for automation via Workflows directly within the settings of any Sequence
The triggers here are more limited, but we feel cover a vast majority of the use-cases that we are excited to support!
We have made good progress from our research and internal alignment, and have broken ground on initial development
We've finished development to include a new "Automation" tab to Sequences
There are still several kinks and use-cases we need to work out in the designs before we have full confidence in all the details for how this will ultimately function, but we are feeling gooing about the general direction!
Hi folks! I'm happy to let you all know that we've made a number of developments and we're now moving this idea to 'In beta'. We will begin accepting Enterprise customers into the beta next week. The Professional featurs (described below) are still in development, and I will update here once those features are also in beta.
We are developing automated enrollment and unenrollment of Sequences in 2 different places: automation settings added within Sequences, and Sequences actions added to Workflows.
In beta for Sales Hub Enterprise and Service Hub Enterprise are 2 new actons in Workflows. An 'Enroll in sequence' action and an `Unenroll from sequence` action.
`Enroll in Sequence` - enrolls a contact in a sequence of choice based on workflow criteria. The selected user/sender must have a paid Enterprise Sales or Service Hub seat.
'Unenroll from Sequence` - unenrolls a contact from any Sequence they are actively enrolled in. If the contact is not enrolled in a Sequence, nothing will happen, the step will be skipped. This feature will also be available at the Sales and Service Enterprise tier.
Still in development is an entirely new automation experience within Sequences that will allow for Workflow actions to be created within the settings of a Sequence. These settings will allow for automated enrollment of sequences, unenrollment of sequences, and soon more trigger actions and logic based on actions in Sequences.
Here is a video showing some of the concepts that we are currently planning and developing. The images in these videos are concepts, and the final designs and functionality are subject to change!
Thank you all for your patience as we reviewed and discussed the ability to "Use workflows to trigger a sequence". We're now planning to develop a solution to solve this need of automated enrollment. We will continue to monitor this board and provide an update once we are in development.
Thanks everyone who has contributed to this thread with comments and upvotes. We've been internally investigating ways to turn this idea into a reality. There are a number of great use-cases for how this could increase your teams efficiency, as well as numeruos potentially unwanted scenarios that we plan to avoid. This has made implementing a seemlingly simple feature to be surprisingly complicated!
If anyone would like to help, it would be great to discuss some of your use-cases, reasons, and ideas for how you would use this feature. I'd also like to share some questions and a few scenarios to get further thoughts and reactions to how we might implement this. I plan to start setting up some calls in the next several weeks.
If you're interested, please send me a direct message!
We organise events and register participants via Hubspot. We would like to send them a form with more detailed information after signing up. This is why we realy need this feature.
Yes - this is crucial and the whole idea behind sequencing - for facebook leads for example, it's the perfect solution to follow up properly until the lead actually answers ! -
After more research i realized everything in Sequences can also be done in Workflows, and with Workflows you can set triggers to auto-enroll and you can use Emails instead of Templates to provide better analytics and control over the email. You can also add additional steps in the Workflows like subscribing users, changing lead status, and complex if/then statements. So now I just dont use Sequences and use Workflows instead. I still think Sequences should have auto-enroll though, but i do love Workflows so i recommend just using those instead now.
Need this too. For automating implementation followups. Any update? It **bleep** to have to manually spoonfeed/enroll when everything else is easily automated. Any workarounds?
+1 would be really helpful on automating dealflow. Perhaps if the contact properties are complete (as they should be because it's in a deal), then it will enroll, if not, a task for someone to visit and manually enroll. Dealflow or sales and especially after-sales like onboarding are really important to not miss a beat, so automation here is really needed.
Would be awesome to have this! A good example is tickets.
I would like to automatically enroll associated contact tied to a ticket that moves to a certain stage so that a CSM can follow up with an automated email and if they don't respond, a call.
I talked to a support agent a while back and he said that it is not possible due to some email guidelines they have to follow, at least in an easy way. That emails are not allowed to be sent to new users without your explicit permission, i.e. enrolling them individually. This is probably to cut down on potential bots sending spam on your forms, or some guidelines they follow to stay on good terms with email providers, idk
@JustinBarsketis point from support is an interesting one, but only really applies to sales. I am in Customer Success and I want to enroll customers into sequences automatically that have already opted in and are using our products.
This is possibly one of the largest feature gaps for HubSpot's platform. Considering you can auto enroll a new contact to a marketing email workflow, not being able to auto enroll into a sales sequence seems so ludicrous. If the issue is spam, what's keeping HubSpot users from spamming their contacts with automated marketing emails? This is definitely needed!