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Use sequences properties and activity as Contact filters in Lists and Workflows
We have multiple sequences running and need to be able to create list of contacts who have been enrolled into a sequence. This allows us to run different types of field, email and product/services campaigns based upon the location of the contacts and the date of the sequence.
Realizing that I can take a list of contact and place them into a sequence. I am surprised that I can not take a sequence or sequences and create a list of contacts. This woudl be a very helpful tool.
Allow actions to be automated based on when users complete a HubSpot sales sequence ie: Mark a contact property or add them to a list
For example if a contact goes through a sequence and does not convert they should be able to automatically be enrolled in an MQL lead nurturing email or to a list "Completed Sequence No Action" things like that.
This would be tremendously helpful. I currenlty have just under a thousand folks that have finished a sequence, but we want to move to drip campaigns. The ability to do that in bulk would be exceptional.
I'd like to be able to filter contacts who have completed a sequence, but it's more important to be able to select contacts that have completed specific sequences, rather than completed any sequence.
I would use this tool to bulk edit the lead status. If they have completed a sequence in which I beleive no reply indicates they are uninterested, I could update the lead status to "unqualified" or some other custom property that is applicable to my business.
In Order to avoid having to change manually the lead status contact by contact after a senquence is completed,it will be great to be able to create a workflow that allow us to automatically change the lead status of leads whose sequence has come to an end.
I agree. I don't even need to be able to automate this via a workflow, I'd like to just be able to do it to all contacts in a sequence in bulk. There is a "Currently in a sequence property" but you can't narrow that down to a specific sequence. This makes it very difficult to keep track of where people are at in the sales process for my team!
If a contact is enrolled in a sequence, once it ends, I would like to have a trigger that will automatically switch the contacts preperties so I know who has already been enrolled and I don't have hundereds of tasks a day popping up.
@Bfeldkamp - agreed with your summary. I would also like to filter to those speicifc contacts and check results of how other types of engagement went (i.e. phone calls, meetings, etc). That way, when I report out on how a specific sequence went, I can also have details surrounding call info and meeting rates (for example, I connected with 50 people, left 25 voicemails, and 25 no answers).
I would love this! I'd like to be able to bulk change people in a sequence -- once they've completed it, I'd love to be able to add an automation that changes the lead status.
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