HubSpot Ideas


Use NEW custom behavioral event as a Workflow trigger

There is a new Behavioral Event functionality for Marketing Enterprise, and the old one is marked as a "legacy". The new one supports only Delay until event happens feature on workflows.  Knowledgebase article explains how it works, but currently, you can't use events for anything else but delays.


We want to use Behavioral Events also as a trigger – not delay. For example, when event X happens, we want a Slack notification. 


This is an important feature for especially Sales and Service, when something critical happens. Also, Marketing people can benefit from this. When notification reaches proper persons, they can serve better customers in real-time. 






Atualizações da HubSpot
November 18, 2022 08:10 AM

Hi Everyone! 

My name is Sierra Howard and I'm also a Product Manager on the Automation/Workflows team.

Thank you all for your feedback! We've implemented the ability to trigger Custom Behavioral Events as a workflow trigger AND workflows based on event triggers. So instead of initially creating a trigger from a list of objects/property triggers,  you will be able to trigger when an event happens. One of the events included is “property value changed” but not specifically for “updated in last X days”. It happens at the time of the property change. For example, when a contact’s city is updated to Boston vs contact city is equal to Boston. My hope is that this is a solution to what you're needing! 

The next step is to get some beta testers to test it out in private beta before we release it more broadly. If you're interested in participating in the beta, please fill out this formWe will then give you access within 36 business hours of you submitting the form, but may not let you know once we've given you access so be sure to check in your portal. You will see the beta banner when you go to set up a workflow trigger.  There's more information in the form, but looking forward to getting your feedback and making this available to everyone.

Also here is the KB article for event triggers specifically: We will create a separate KB for CBE triggers but if you have any questions or feedback, please use this feedback form


As always, thanks for your feedback and your help!


Status atualizado para: In Planning
March 14, 2022 04:47 AM

March 14, 2022 04:47 AM

Hi everyone,

Thank you for continuing to add your questions and comments. We understand your needs for this functionality and it remains a top priority on our end. 
For clarification, the vast majority of you will have already seen a system upgrade to your lists tool, which brought the new custom behavioral events filters to your contact lists. There is a very small percentage of portals where the lists system upgrade may still be underway. If you do not see the new custom behavioral event (CBE) filters in your contact lists, please reach out to your HubSpot point of contact for more information and assistance. This is the available workaround that helps you use the new CBEs in contact workflows, by triggering workflows off of lists where those filters are available. I know this workaround has limitations, such as re-enrollment mentioned in a follow up comment, but I assure you we are continuing to work toward our end goal of making workflow functionality for CBEs complete. 
The workflows team is now actively working on the system upgrades, that I mentioned we were planning, back in November. We've been working on them for the last couple of months, and we have at least several months of work remaining. We consider this a top priority, and it will remain high priority work on our end. We appreciate your continued patience and understanding. Any future news about this will be relayed here, on this thread.

Thank you,

Status atualizado para: Being Reviewed
November 09, 2021 08:15 AM

Hi folks,

I’m Megan Legge, a product manager for HubSpot’s workflows tool. Thank you all for taking the time to upvote and comment on this Idea. We hear your feedback and we agree that this functionality is important. There are a couple of large systems changes that the workflows tool will need to make in order to support the new custom behavioral event (CBE) functionality in workflow triggers. We’re currently planning out the work for those system upgrades, and it will take some time, but they are on our roadmap.
After those changes, we’ll be better positioned to tackle this request of having access to custom behavioral events as workflow triggers. In the meantime, the good news is there's an alternate way you can support your CBE & automation use cases, today:
  • Create a contact list and use the new CBE filters that are available there to capture the contacts who complete the event you’re interested in
  • Create a contact workflow that uses a “List Membership” trigger, and select the list you made in the previous step. When a new contact completes the event, they will join that list, and enroll in the workflow.
If you have questions about how to set this up, please reach out to support. Any future news about this feature request will be relayed on this thread.


48 Comentários

+1 Despite being a very good feature with a lot of potentials, right now, we can't do a lot of things. 




@MeganLegge is there an update on the timeline for this?

We also need the ability to update a Contact Property based on CBE. For example, my CS team needs the ability to see the last time someone logged in or took an action on our platform. 


we need this desperate, we can not make good workflow without this.

Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Hi Everyone! 

My name is Sierra Howard and I'm also a Product Manager on the Automation/Workflows team.

Thank you all for your feedback! We've implemented the ability to trigger Custom Behavioral Events as a workflow trigger AND workflows based on event triggers. So instead of initially creating a trigger from a list of objects/property triggers,  you will be able to trigger when an event happens. One of the events included is “property value changed” but not specifically for “updated in last X days”. It happens at the time of the property change. For example, when a contact’s city is updated to Boston vs contact city is equal to Boston. My hope is that this is a solution to what you're needing! 

The next step is to get some beta testers to test it out in private beta before we release it more broadly. If you're interested in participating in the beta, please fill out this formWe will then give you access within 36 business hours of you submitting the form, but may not let you know once we've given you access so be sure to check in your portal. You will see the beta banner when you go to set up a workflow trigger.  There's more information in the form, but looking forward to getting your feedback and making this available to everyone.

Also here is the KB article for event triggers specifically: We will create a separate KB for CBE triggers but if you have any questions or feedback, please use this feedback form


As always, thanks for your feedback and your help!



@SierraHoward thanks for the update....does this new functionality also allow us to take advantage of data passed into the custom behavioral event within the workflow?


Why is the new custom behavioral event not already available as a contact-based workflow trigger, while the legacy behavioral event is? Hubspot docs push for users to use the "new" CBE (approaching two years old now?), but this seems like a significant limitation for tracking user engagement.

Status atualizado para: Delivered
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