HubSpot Ideas


Urgent need to be able to Unarchive Quote

The new archive quote functionality is helpful but whats not helpful is that you can't unarchive an item. This ability to reverse the archiving process is quite critical in a system with many users accessing and managing the same information. Particulalrly since the archiving hides the association betwen deal and the quote (when viewing the deal) and overwrites the accepted status so you cna no longer view at a glance, which quotes are accepted.

1 Reply

I couldn't agree more! Even if this was covered in the HubSpot Sales certification, it is unlikely that team members will remember this one down the road. And since many teams require supervisor or even executive approval on quotes before sending them, not having an un-archive function can impact more people than just the quote creator.


It's beyond silly, especially when the standard approach is to have the archive not function as a "delete" button