HubSpot Ideas


Update a Meeting description without sending update

When I book a meeting through meetings or in my google calendar, it shows up on the person't Hubspot profile. After the meeting takes place I want to go back and add notes to that meeting. If I do this, I have to save and send updates to everyone. 


To get around this I end up logging the meeting seperately, and it's duplicated on their profile.  Please make it so I can edit past meeting without updating everyone!

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Joining in. 

What's the status on this? @hubspot 


Imo a crucial feature to log meeting notes. 

Now I also log a meeting next to the already present sheduled meeting which creates doubles. In reporting this automatically doubles the amount of meetings you have...




I just searched for this topic as this issue only started happening recently despite me not making a settings change on my end. I actually like that upcoming meetings are being populated in Hubspot automatically but totally hate (yes, hate!) that I can't add notes to a past meeting without sending them to the attendee(s). The recommended solution of using the Note button isn't consistent with how many of us use this option which is typically for information unrelated to a call or meeting. That's the whole point of these different categories and the powerful filtering tool.


Would be great to hear what a proposed fix might look like from HubSpot's end even if you aren't ready to roll it out. Let us help you first confirm how your plan to solve this aligns with our actual pain. My suggestion would be to add a button that allows the meeting record to be saved without sending.


Hubspot Team - I am having the exact same issue as the above.  Was this addressed?


We need the ability to save the meeting without sending.  Apprears this works when the date has past.  This is a dire need!


@LenForsyth I have spoken with the Hubspot team and they said at the moment this functionality does not send anything to the customer so we are keeping using it (but this is certainly a bug as the button says that it updates the customer)


However, I do not understand how we can use the meeting types that is quite important if it would be sending updates to clients.


@Monika Thanks for the update! I tested this and it seems to be the case. Appreciate the help




I agree with the above. There should be a "save and send update" + "save" button only. My sales team are monitored on meetings booked and I need to know when a meeting has been cancelled, without having to delete it completely from the system. I would like to be able to add a note "cancelled" and filter those cancelled meetings through my dashboard reports.  


Totally need this improvment on Hubspot.




This has got to be one of the least intuitive elements of HubSpot.

Status aktualisiert zu: Being Reviewed

Please fix this.


A key for success to use hubspot is make sure sales people have low friction in their usage. And this is the kind of issue that prevent sales reps from using hubspot, which is the opposite of why an organization buy hubspot.....


@glencornell , all hopes on you. This is an absolutely crucial feature! 

- Meeting MUST feature a seperate field (not the description) to write a meeting protocol, which is not reflected in the calender appointment (and therefore not disclosed to the external participant). I am genuinly puzzled how this is not available in a CRM.

- NICE TO HAVE: Define a template for these meeting notes for all employees

- NICE TO HAVE: Reminder functionality to create a task for the responsible sales rep if a protocol is not written after x days after the meeting took place. 


@glencornell Thank you for looking into this feature - it is absolutely essential.

While we wait for a solution, I'm still stuck on figuring out what is the best place to log my meeting minutes. I can't really use the comments section associated with the meeting because multiple contacts and multiple hubspot users are present in one meeting so it makes it very difficult to go back and find the meeting minutes.

If I manually log the meeting and enter my notes - this replicates the already existing meeting record created automatically from our calendars and messes up our reporting. 

'Notes' also doesn't work since there are multiple contacts present in th meeting so I would have to go to each contact record and create a note. 

What is the best solution in the interim?

HubSpot Employee

It would be great to see if a change in a meeting type change or meeting outcome change on the contact record would prevent the auto-reminders from going out. 


- Posted on behalf of customer


SAme problem with 365 Calendar. If you try change the meeting type after the integration has puleld th emeeting in, it sends a meetign update to all the attendees, even after the date. 


This is very important!

At the moment, we are "logging" a new meeting to leave notes. This duplicates the meeting instance, completely skewing many reports, specifically the amount of demo's needed to close!


Actually, best would be that if you are on the contact / deal or company page at the moment of the meeting is scheduled, it automatically goes on "Edit mode" and you're able to add notes and save (without ever sending updates to your contact!!). The issue is that even during (and after) the meeting takes place, this instance should change between a calendar scheduling to a meeting log.


Any update to this?  We need this fix asap.  another way to do it would be to allow notes to be attached to meeting events.  like salesforce does.  That way you can find notes for a meeting by look at the meeting or going to the notes page. and seeing all the notes for a client


This should not be considered a feature request, but a BUG FIX. Why would anyone want their internal meeting notes to be emailed to their customers?

We need an explicit option "Save without udpating attendees", although that is still somewhat dangerous because even if you don't send a notification, the updated meeting description will still be synced to Google Calendar and if the attendees are also using Google Calendar then they could still see the updated description if they opened the meeting item afterwards. So, maybe it should be "Save without updating Google Calendar". But if someone in the future comes along and makes a minor change to some other field, then clicks "Save and update Google Calendar", they could end up saving the previously updated description.

The best solution may be to just add comments to meetings. I believe comments are internal and don't update the participants automatically, right?

At any rate, it has been three years and this hasn't been addressed. You are potentially leaking confidential internal information to customers! How can you call yourselves a CRM?


Recently Hubspot made a change so that if I edit notes on a booked meeting it alerts the participant/prospect and syncs to the calendar invite. I can't imagine ever wanting to do that! I've always had prospects book meetings through the meeting links and then have taken notes from the meeting right there. Now if I do that my prospect is alerted of the notes of the meeting. In order to get around it, I would have to log another meeting manually, which would then count 2 meetings where there was only from a reporting standpoint. I am really struggling to understand the value of this change that Hubspot made, or at the very least why I can't control whether or not the prospect is updated on changes to the meetings. Any thoughts?



Talked to my implementation guy and he said they will look into it.  I hope they update this since we just moved from Salesforce to HubSpot.