Hi, I have a question about Files in HubSpot. There are SO many files Unused on any pages and I'm going to archive them eventually. But it takes too long to figure out which file is used or not. (Currently I click each file and see the detail but it takes too long...) Is there any good/quick way to see if each file (image,pdf,video etc) is used or not? Thank you for your help!
This seems like a no-brainer to me. But instead, it's another example of the inconsistently applied structure of HubSpot's tabular data. It would even be helpful if there were a way to add columns to the list to at LEAST sort by usage. Like other lists in HS.
This would be essential and should be in HubSpot's own interest, so their servers aren't burdened with tons of unused files. It could be as easy as adding a column with the number of places the file is in use, the same information you can get when you check the details. Then you could sort by that column and start deleting files with 0 usage.
This would be a really valuable feature to help with compliance, especially with teams that have multiple members utilising a shared asset library to know which images are approved for use.
HubSpot please create this feature! I have been a customer for over 8 years and have gone through 2 website redesigns, countless landing pages and lead magnets. Please.
Upvoting this. We're currently dealing with a whole bunch of files back from when our social media assets were managed on HS. We would like to simply filter out what isn't being actively used anywhere, export, and remove from HS to start with a clean slate. Especially since nomenclature wasn't established back then... So our files are very difficult to sort through!
Same challenge there. I think this feature not only helps our end to easily manage our image files but also can decrease the servicer storage tremendously. This feature could be a win-win situation and is needed urgently.
I 100% agree, it would be so helpful to be able to sort images, particularly those that are no longer being used so they can either be deleted or archived. It's very time consuming having to scroll through so many image.