HubSpot Ideas


Unique Quota for Sales Staff

Our sales staff have a different quota each month.  I would like to have an option to enter their quota for each month on a rolling 12 month basis to monitor how they are doing monhtly, quarterly and annually as well as being able to roll-up all sales people to have a company view of how we are doing. 

43 Commentaires

I spoke with a Hubspot dev recently, and it didn't sound like there are any plans to add this. T


Would be very helpful for my business. We too have different quotas each month because some months are much better than others (as in most industries...). I either need to be able to set a yearly quota, or set monthly quotas in advance. Please add this HubSpot!


This is vital.  Monthly quotas do not really work for long sales cycles and quarters that you know are traditioanlly weak or conversely strong.


Quotas shoudl be able to be set at several levels - annually to match revenue targets and quarterly to focus the mind on what needs to be achieved right here and now.  For some industries monthly will also be useful.  

Contributeur de premier rang | Partenaire solutions Elite

Adding some support to this and hoping for a response from HubSpot.


We'd at least like to be able to set non-linear quotas.  Ideally, set a quota for the year and non-linearly weight how much of it to attribute to each month of the year-based on industry trends.  January might be 10% of quotas, but June might be 20%, etc.


We are just in the beginning of our implementation and this area is something that is vital for our business. Unfortunately, we haven't found a way yet, if this could be implemented and we would be able to set sales targets based on different country teams and individuals, that would be amazing. Please add this Hubspot!  


Still no response from Hubspot on this one. We are just about to move our CRM over to Hubspot, and this is causing me massive headaches. 


It's just such simple functionality to add in. 


Please Hubspot, can you let us know if this is on your dev radar? 


+1 here. Quotas need to vary by month, by quarter, by team, etc. Could:


allow for all 12 months, manually set each month's quota

allow for quarters with quota not due until end (no monthly)

allow setting quarterly quotas but having them apply to months as well


This does need to be fixed.  And as a stop-gap, allow exporting of the information so that it can be manipulated outside of the CRM at least.


We need to be able to do this same thing - vary quotas by month.

Additionally, when you view reports with the quota, even if you filter by HubSpot Owner or HubSpot Team, the quotas show for EVERYONE! So an individual team's performance is shown against the quota for the whole organization. That does not enable our sales managers to see how their individual teams are performing against their individual quotas.


This is SO needed. It is crazy that we have to try and export our data into a 3rd party dashboard to try and achive this. 


+1 here. Quotas need to vary by month, by quarter, by team, etc. Could:


allow for all 12 months, manually set each month's quota

allow for quarters with quota not due until end (no monthly)

allow setting quarterly quotas but having them apply to months as well


This would be so helpful!

Statut mis à jour : In Planning
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Thanks @AnnaPerko. This is really good to hear. Is there anything further you can give us regarding timelines? 


Oh! TY @AnnaPerko!  


Hi, this would be a really good improvement for many sales team that have seasonal products, for example.


@AnnaPerko  Yes - what is the roadmap timeline for this?  Critical for our organization.

Participant | Partenaire solutions Gold

Add to this the ability to set quotas to not currency based please? Our clients quotas are all set as a number of sales contracts written. Not dollar amount. Could we have the option to do that too?


Glad to see this is in planning stage.  Any idea when this feature will be prioritized and actively worked on?

Statut mis à jour : Delivered
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Hi All - as part of the recent Sales Enterprise launch last week, we announced support for quotas that vary based on month.


Screen Recording 2018-09-10 at 04.24 PM.gif




Additionally, we now support other quota types, like calls made, meetings booked or deals created:


Screen Recording 2018-09-10 at 04.27 PM.gif


This new Goal management tool is available as part of Sales Enterprise, which can be trialed now:


For more information about Goals, please see here