We need this option! Unless we send from Gmail, we cannot "unsend" from Hubspot. Using HubSpot to send emails is a better option for me and I need a way to "unsend" from the platform.
Sometimes you send a template and as it's sending, realize that it's incorrect. Gmail and Groove both give the option for a 30 second delay in which you can stop the sending and save the embarassment of an incorrect email.
When sending mails directly out of Hubspot is is not possible to recall or "undo" e-mails as for example it is in GMail. It woudl be great to have a feature where I can setup a time frame that would allow me to recall a Mail during this time that I have just sent. For example, when I accidenatlly press teh send button or noticed that I forgot an attachment and so on.
This is really helpful. I just sent an email to a different person.
As it is, when you send an email from a deal, the default recipient is the contact associated with it. Trying to create a new email and send it to another colleague with feedback and all, AND sent it to the associated contact instead!
My error occured when the tool chose who my email was from.
We respond either as Company A or Company B depending on which each client is affiliated. In this case, the client is assigned to Company B and has all prior emails from Company B yet when creating an email, it seems to choose A or B at random. It would be helpful if the auto 'from' email either HAD to be chosen manually or auto defaulted to the company it is assigned to.
Ultimately, yes, this was my fault, but help a sista out with a recall for human error.
Even if all emails are suspended for 10 minutes as default, it would give us enough time to pull it, cancel or edit if needed and re-send. There could also be a force send option or a feature to turn off the entire default all together.
This would be extremely helpful! I would love to be able to send all my emails from HubSpot, rather than having to switch back to my Gmail, but it's just too risky without this feature!
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