HubSpot Ideas


Trigger a sequence to enroll or unenroll automatically (Sales & Service Professional)

The ability to configure automatic enrollment and unenrollment for a sequence based on preset criteria.


Provide Professional tier customers with the ability to automatically trigger a sequence to enroll or unenroll based on different contact criteria or engagement.





This is now in public beta! View the flow here:


Details on existing functionality:

  • You'll be able to create automation triggers from an individual sequence, that then create actions for that specfic sequence.
    • EX: you'll be able to set a sequence to automatically enroll when a specific form has been submitted. Or you can set a sequence to unenroll when a specific page is viewed.
  • The intial 'triggers' are 'Form submission' and 'Page view'
    • We have chosen these triggers first because each are 'reactive' scenarios. Sequences in these scenarios can be built with a personalized/segemented scenario in mind, and would trigger one at a time
    • We still strongly discourage any scenarios of 'proactive bulk automation' at all tiers. As we include new triggers and actions, we hope to be prudent in avoiding functionality that might directly or indirectly encourage this type of use: IE: Enrolling a large list of contacts into a sequence
  • The actions are 'Enroll in sequence' and 'Unenroll from sequence'
  • We currently have this functionality in a public beta. We will be taking in feedback through our internal channels during the beta for the couple of weeks, and will make this feature live without yet the addition of new triggers or actions.

Hi all! I just wanted to leave a non-product update comment here to apologize for my lack of communication on this post and my general lack of engagement to a number of messages and notifications in the Ideas Forum and on personal social media accounts.  As someone that comes from sales, and then customer success, I'm personally incredibly passionate about these updates and strive to keep everyone up-to-date! I enjoy the chance to interact with folks as much as I can, but unfortunately it's been quite a challenge for me!


I've made a few personal attempts to be more vigilent in keeping Ideas updates on the Ideas Forum, but I've found that the balance has been difficult on top of my other responsibilities. What works best for me (larger, but less frequent updates) does not work best for everybody else, especially those that are eager to hear what we're working on! I've been getting support from colleagues in keeping things as up to date as possible across the apps in my product group, and will continue to get their help!


Although I've learned I can't promise to personally engage on all the Ideas, I do promise that I will continue frequenting all of your great ideas, reading through the comments, taking note, and giving as most thorough and accurate updates that I can when the timing is right!


Thanks Glen!! This is exciting! Emailing my POC now to get in on the beta!


Awesome, thanks @glencornell


Thanks for the update @glencornell This is big news! Can't wait to get into the beta and get workflowng!


would be very useful!


My hubspot account manager has just let me know he can't get me into the beta as it's an Enterprise only feature...shame we "only" have 3 Professional hubs and numerous add ons.  My disappointment is immeasurable and my plans are ruined.


To the hubspotters who mentioned earlier in the thread the pro/enterprise wall;


How did you find out this is an enterprise tool? Nowhere in this thread does @glencornell say it will be locked behind enterprise, and the name of this very thread is "Trigger a sequence to enroll or unenroll automatically (Sales & Service Professional)". 


Great start, but, as is, it's kind of useless for our needs.


First, it appears that we can't change the enrollment workflow in order to add a delay. So basically if a client visits the page we specify, they'll instantly get the first email in the sequence. This is weird and the client will smell automation. 


Second, the fact that I can't specify multiple pages for the page visit trigger is a bit inefficient. I have 16 pages that, if visited, I'd like to have the client enrolled in a sequence. As is, this means that I have to create 16 discrete workflows to make this work.  


+1 for the ability to add a delay on the sequence trigger. Ideally we'd be able to trigger enrolment via a workflow rather than via the seqence. Sounds like this is the same kind of flexability that @AMelton9 is looking for too.


@DanielCENTURY We're on Marketing & Sales Hub Pro and we have access to the Beta so I'm guessing your account manager should be able to give you access. Especially as the title of this thread is "Trigger a sequence to enroll or unenroll automatically (Sales & Service Professional)"...


@Shep Thanks for that! It turns out there was just a misunderstanding and I should be getting access later today 🙂 I'm also told that the Pro beta version that we're all discussing only features this tool within the Sequences tool itself - whereas Enterprise users will get standard workflow functionality. 


@glencornell Any thoughts on my feedback from last month ^^?




This is so close to being helpful. To me, its going to be most helpful when we can have the sequence come from the contact owner. Adding an "Automation" tab is only saving a click from goign to the workflow task (which gives you a lot more functionality).  Is there a particular reason there isnt a default for a person being added to a sequence using a field value, like "contact owner" or something like that? We have 30 reps, so I'm having to make 30 different flows. 

ステータスに更新: Delivered

Hi Everyone, 


The beta functionality described in the 'In beta' update is now 'Live to all' customers with access to Sequences.

We've been reviewing feedback and plan to follow-up with additional functionality in the new year! Thanks again for all of your responses/comments/feedback as we've worked on this functionality!




Thanks Glen and team!!

Hi Team! We're very interested in having contacts that are unenrolled based on events based on Deals that occur or other events.


For example: sometimes we send out sequences to our customers who open the email, don't reply, and make a purchase. Therefore, they don't need to continue in this sequence. 


Are there any suggestions on how to make this happen in the meantime? I'm looking into page views now but we don't currently have page views set up yet. Can we use an integration to connect that from another app that we use for page tracking?

投稿者 | Elite Partner

Hi JCatanach,

the functionality you are describing would be possible by sending the emails as part of a workflow. Worklows have more options for unenrollment including deal properties.

Hope this helps.


Any updates on the plans for Sales Hub professional customers? We need the ability to enroll contacts into a sequence with a workflow, i'm not sure why this should differ between enterprise and pro customers? The better solution imo would be to have two seperate external comminications in workflows: 1. "send a marketing email" and 2. "send a 1:1 email". Seqeuences are currently too limited to be useful, and workflows are apparently reserved for marketing, although most of these features would be suitable for sales users.


The issue I find with the feature, in the state it currently is, is the lack of options in the workflow. It DESPERATELY needs if/then functionality. 


The only triggers are page views and form submissions. Forms are used to capture data - why can't we tailor this sequence to be relevant to the data given in the form that's triggering?




@DanielCENTURY  yes!! Adding 1:1 emails to a workflow would make things so much better. As you mentioned, sequences are limited.


my guess is it's their way of forcing you to make the contact a marketing contact so you get charged for them. If sequences had as much functionality as workflows, everyone wouldn't buy more marketing contacts.


@btuttle279 The issue with using automated marketing emails is that those emails tend to end up in the Promotions or Spam folders of most inboxes, and then get ignored. We've tried using these in place of sequences, but it defeats the entire purpose of sending a personalised email from an actual inbox like a proper sequenced email would.