Being a lifelong avid ToDoist fan, I manage all of my personal and professional productivity in there. I've connected all apps that generate tasks to it, to be sure that I keep up to date with all of my responsibilities. We've recently moved to using Hubspot's CRM and Sales solutions, but to my horror I saw there wasn't an integration with Todoist available that would sync my Sales task list to a Todoist project. Is an integration like this being developed or no? I need this 🌞
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I would also find this very useful. I've tried linking them via zapier as well. Unfortunately, Zapier only works with Hubspot's calendar tasks, not sales tasks. Weird and I wish there was a solution. Hubspot, please fix this soon.
Hello! You can integrate Todoistl and HubSpot via Skyvia in a few clicks. Skyvia is a code-free web service with an intuitive interface. A free plan with 10000 loaded records per month is available.
@BBrown97: Can you elaborate on your experience with Skyvia? Did you manage to establish a robust 2-way sync of TASKS between Hubspot and Todoist? If so, I'm super curious to know how to implement that ASAP. Thanks!
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