We have a lot of timeline objects on all of our records including custom timeline objects we create via API.
It would be great if we could create custom reports for these timeline events. Here is how that would work:
1) Choose your data set / cross data set, e.g. contacts or contacts and companies
2) Choose your timeline events e.g. calls, ads activity, or from integrations like GoToWebinar or your custom timeline event from API
3) Create filters e.g. just use contacts with certain properties for that graph
4) Plot this as time series or as aggregate
Like that I could plot GoToWebinar attendance frequencies over time for a certain customer segment or plot GoToWebinar attendance per customer segment. That would be extremely valuable.
I am sure many people would buy the reporting add on for such a functioanlity.
+1. We really need this feature to be implemented too! Agreed this is game-changing. We have a lot of data in the customer's timeline events. Being able to create reports for timeline events would be awesome.
This feature will unlock a range of impactful reporting scenarios for us. In the meantime we're working with workarounds that only solve half the problem, which isn't great.
@MFleming3 -- yes, that does provide timeline data. Unfortunately, the way that API works makes its usefulness extremely limited. Specifically, it requires that you pass a single "object" ID (e.g., a contact ID) and it returns timeline events for that object. You cannot simply request all timeline events, or events from a time period, etc. You could in theory write a script that iterates over contact IDs, but if your database is at all sizeable, you'll hit the daily API call limit right quick.
Sure, but if you have to pass a single Contact ID to get events, then your issue is how many contacts you have. We're pushing 300k. So maybe we could eke it out if we do this no more than once per day, and hopefully stay within the limit given the other systems using the API (Salesforce, ETL, Zoom, whatever).
I'd really rather have an ETL provider support this API, rather than allocate my team's time to build and maintain it. At least one I spoke with explicitly said they don't think they can support it because of this issue.