Time to Close and Time to First Reply Taking Business Hours into Account
We have SLAs with customers that we respond during business hours and during weekdays within a certain time period. It would be greate if the Time to Close and the Time to First Reply KPIs could have an option that they are calculated based on business hours.
E.g. If a ticket is opened on Thursday and closed on Monday, then the time to close would be 3 days (since Saturday and Sunday are not counted given they are the Weekend).
Multiple teams are reviewing this idea, in part to enable more 'time between' reporting. Thank you all for offering your thoughts, we deeply appreciate it.
We need the product team to review this feature, its pretty basic to be able to calculate the Time for first reply without considering weekends and kind of ridiculous when we already have working hours set in the portal/Help desk. Please review this ASAP. We are currently solving this with operations Hub but should be a basic funcionatily or at least a report filter.
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