Time to Close and Time to First Reply Taking Business Hours into Account
We have SLAs with customers that we respond during business hours and during weekdays within a certain time period. It would be greate if the Time to Close and the Time to First Reply KPIs could have an option that they are calculated based on business hours.
E.g. If a ticket is opened on Thursday and closed on Monday, then the time to close would be 3 days (since Saturday and Sunday are not counted given they are the Weekend).
Multiple teams are reviewing this idea, in part to enable more 'time between' reporting. Thank you all for offering your thoughts, we deeply appreciate it.
Having this metric available and only calculating it within business hours is a basic need of a support team looking first reply time and time to close. Please add this and I'll throw a dance party in your honor 💃🕺
Any updates on where or if this falls in the roadmap? It's concerning that this idea was originally posted in 2020 😕. Support teams have a few basic metrics they're looking to track that are critical to their success - an accurate, within business hours First Response Time and Time to Close are at the TOP of the list.
^^ Things like this make me pause when I prospect a new tool or upgrade within the HubSpot platform, because I know I'm going to run into a fairly "simple", other-tools-have-it, common feature request that just will not be implemented no matter how many years of requests there are, how much sense it makes, and how relatively "simple" it seems.
I don't envy being a SAAS developer, but man, it seems like I've got 15 HubSpot features on my wishlist that just aren't coming. Nowadays if I search for a functionality and I find an ideas thread, I know right then and there it likely isn't coming.
^^^ Agreed. This communicates that the Service end of Hubspot is low priority. I can understand that, but this metric is a basic need of every support team. The fact that it's not being looked at is concerning.
I think its time to start worrying about the future of service hub. Its pretty clear that it isn't a priority at all if something as fundamental as this isn't being planned. And lets be honest, even if it was planned, we would be a long way off seeing it. We purchased the hub alongside sales and marketing on the promise (yes thats right who trusts the promises of sales people) from the AE that they were putting heavy investment into all hubs.
The service hub is the weakest part of HubSpot and needs more attention. 3 months in and its clear to see we won't be using it very long. Back to the drawing board I think.
Definitely need this. Trying to use a workaround to use "calculated properties" or exporting and creating formulas in excel is NOT ideal. Obviously, some companies work on the weekends, so there should be a COMPANY BUSINESS HOURS/DAYS setting available...
This would be clutch - the opportunity for us to set "working hours" or "working days" and have a report that reflects timeframe within those restrictions would be fantastic and absolutely a game-changer.
Are you still waiting or did anybody find a solution to avoid weekend counts and focus on working days (or hours) duration when measuring tickets treatment?
We currently have the in-app message feature to alert paid users to when a ticket is nearing it's SLA during the team's working hours. I have a few suggestions on how current feature can be expanded to give customers higher visibility of how their team is performing with regard to SLA:
The current feature is great but it does require users to click into the inbox and scroll through the conversations to check how the assigned owner is doing. If we could have this display on the ticket board as well, that would be even better as users can just glance at the ticket board and quickly identify which tickets are nearing the SLA or are overdue, see attached screenshots.
Another suggestion would be to give customers the optiuon of enabling email notifications to selected users once a ticket is overdue, so that they can action on it quickly.
Additionally, the ticket board has this line 'Open for X hours/days' currently that starts counting down from the timestamp of the ticket creation. It would be great if we could allow customers to exclude non working days and hours from this figure as it would then be able to provide a useful, accurate number of how long the ticket has actually been open for.For the product team's consideration!
It is a crucial thing for our reporting! Currently, we have the wrong analytics because it includes our non-business hours. Our ticket time to close can reach 48 hours which is not right. How should we deal with that? This is not acceptable. We require some solution for that!!!!
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