Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
Hi everyone, we released a set of deal stage properties in March, including "latest time in stage" and "cumulative time in stage." Here is the relevant Knowledge Base article with more details.
That said, I recognize that this solution does not offer the value of an object's time in stage in its current stage. That is a limitation of these properties at this time. It's a highly complex issue to solve, so I appreciate everyone's patience while we explore and navigate this.
We do have plans to introduce this set of properties for Tickets as well; however, I don't think we'll be able to prioritize this in 2024.
I'm leaving this post open, and will report back when I have an update about solving for the current stage issue. Thank you all for sharing your use cases and insights!
👋 Hi everyone, I'm Jeannie, the product manager for Pipelines.
My team and I are working on making Deal stage calculated properties available, so they can be used in reporting and workflows. These will be similar to the Contact lifecycle stage calculated properties that we released last year. I will post more details as we get further into development.
I'm one of the Product Manager for HubSpot's reporting tool. Thank you all for leaving your feedback on this thread. We're still working on a solution to expose this data for deals and other HubSpot properties/objects. At this moment, we do not have a roadmapped solution. This thread will stay open, so please feel free to leave feedback.
The Hubspot gang refuses to make this happen. I've been a customer for 2.5 years and still no progress. No customer should have to do any workarounds to extract a metric that is already being captured in the background. Come on Hubspot! Don't make me switch to SF!
I have found a workaround using workflows. Create 3 custom fields in Deals:
1) 'today's date'
2) 'date entered current stage'
3) 'time in current stage'
Add a series of workflows as follows:
1) updates 'date entered current stage' field when the stage is changed
2) daily schedule 3am that updates 'today's date' field
3) daily schedule 4am that calculates difference between above fields and populates 'time in current stage'
Seems to work OK. Have then extended that with additional if/then workflow to compare 'time in current stage' with a target for each stage and flag another custom field called 'late in stage' which can then be used as a focus for follow up
Thank you for your effort, I hope the message board finds it helpful. Lets hope Hubspots makes our life easer and just fixes this simple problem. That so many would like to use.
I would prefer properties rather than measures that are only accesible through reports personally. But I understand that stages can change and that may be difficult to do.🤞
I don't even work with deals that much, but since I am the most experienced Hubspot user at my company many colleagues come to me asking for help with reports, and it's been a headache trying to figure out this specific thing. I hope Hubspot gets working on this because it is really is a key metric.
has this been resolved yet, or has a reasonable work around been suggested. this is more important than many of the existing features and reallt should be prioritised....
-How many upvotes is required for this post to get a refreshed response? -Is there anyway in which the development worklist can be made published for the users to vote on importance of features? -Could you share some of the chalenges in getting this feature right (assuming it's difficulty was an issue as referenced here :
as such the community could brainstorm some possible solutions?
-The workarounds require an enterprise account which limits the users even further.
-what else can we do to stimulate production or at least some feedback on this?
Would be a really useful tool. We (and I guess many) companies have processes where pricing is valid for a period of time.
From the point that a deal becomes a real opportunity (for us it is a site visit) our pricing might be valid for 30 days. We store the 'Target Contract Date' and from that point on, having a field that calcuated the current date vs the future date and the days between would allow us to trigger emails to let the customer know that the contracting date is approaching, and to communicate things that need to be finalized.
The only workaround that I can think of would be to have a custom field in Hubspot that we would need to build something to automatically update it to todays date every day which seems like a really easy thing to build in.
Hello i create a report to visualize in Deals section, the days by stage for each oportunity in the pipeline, but it doesn´t show the days in the current stage. Please support creating this option. Thanks.
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