Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
To be able to track things like Deal stages and custom Lead Status values, we need this. A report is good, but the ability to capture and count timestamps between specific stages/status would be even better so we could build our own reports.
Good Sales VPs are always wanting to know the progress we are making on Leads and pipeline that's generated and we can't replace Salesforce in several clients until we can do this basic calcuation inside Hubspot.
Hello! I agree on this one, would be very helpful to have a time in current deal stage metric, or another helpful workaround thats easy to pull together. Perhaps getting access to the time stamp of the deal stage update to use on the front end so we could subtract todays date from the date entered stage.
I do think we could perhaps update with a workflow a custom date property to be today's date and a custom property to be the date in which the deal stage last changed, but it would be preferred as a native feature. 🙂
This is really needed! This is really necessary for age based calcualtions and while this could technically be achieved with a workflow updating every record on a daily basis it's a very cumbersome workaround for something that would be used by a lot of people.
This is such a basic requirement that I really can't understand why Hubspot has not been able to address this yet. Will try some of the workarounds proposed.
It seems like this partially addresses the requirement of this thread. I think we should be able to build off this to see how long a deal has been sitting in a stage.
@sidsaha thanks for sharing, crazy you have to create your own workflows to do this. Even their API doesn't consistently capture the dates a deal moves into a stage.
I managed to implement the worflow recommended here ( and it seems to be working fine. However, we are currently on the Sales Pro plan and hence don't have access to Calculated fields. So is there any way to actually get a report of how long a Deal is sitting in the stage without using a Calculated Field?
100% agree, we even thought to build it ourselves with a custom property and a workflow but workflows can't substract 2 dates and calculate the number of days.
@Bareld Yeah, so what i did figure is that you don't need workflows to calcuate the difference between 2 dates and I think it's possible to do it even in the Sales Pro plan. What this does need though is yet another custom property for each deal stage that will hold how long the deal is sitting in that stage e.g. "Time spent in Contract Sent". We can then try to populate that property by calculating the difference between the current date and the date on which the deal entered that stage . At the time of creating this custom property, you need to select the Field Type as "Calculation" and then in the next screen select the Calculated Property Type as "Time Between".
For those, who missed my earlier post in this thread on how to capture the date on whcih a deal entered a stage, please refer to this blog post While in the blog post, the date is created as a Contact property, I feel it make more sense to implement it as a Deal property instead of a Contact property.
@Adam-SixandFlow Hi, in your post on Nov 5, 2020, the third step you mention is
Report = all deals with "Calc field" >7
Can you share how to do this? I've built out the calculated field that captures how long a deal is sitting in a particular stage. I'd like to now create a report that shows the number of deals that are sitting in the same stage for >7 days, >15 days and >30 days. Can you suggest how to do that?
I'm one of the Product Manager for HubSpot's reporting tool. Thank you all for leaving your feedback on this thread. We're still working on a solution to expose this data for deals and other HubSpot properties/objects. At this moment, we do not have a roadmapped solution. This thread will stay open, so please feel free to leave feedback.
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