HubSpot Ideas


Ticket search to include email content

Currently the search function for tickets only displayes results based on the name of a ticket.

Quite often when searching for a ticket/email the title is not known, which leads to frustration.

The solution I have found is to search via contact information on the contact page instead, however I wonder if it would be possible for the search funtion to also search the content of the ticket/emails.


2nd to this, and perhaps more viable, is the ability to search for email content from the "search activity" field within a ticket (see screenshot below).

Currently this only searches for email titles, but this is not often helpful when all the emails have the same title. It would be more efficient if it could search the full content of the emails in the ticket.

Search Activity.PNG

30 Kommentare

In addition to this, you can only select at max 3 fields (text based only) to be searchable. But you cannot select that option for ticket name (it's default anyway) or ticket description (based on the info, it doesn't appear to be default). So in essense, even if you wanted to make description one of your 3 searchable fields, you can't (it's greyed out).  This should be an option regardless of a built in field or not


Further to this - the option to select a date range.

We get invoices against supplier contacts and have to sit for a long time scrolling and waiting for it to load in order to find a particular ticket from months ago that we don't know the subject of (or all subjects are the same).


Eg. I would like to see all tickets in a contact from 13 November, or from 1-15 November etc


The search function should be expanded to include the email body.


We use HubSpot for all of our company email and tickets and not being able to search for text that is in the body is causing problems for our customer service team.


Currently the search only works with First name, Last name, Email address, Phone number, Notes, Email subject, Related task, Call log, Meeting log, or a Custom searchable property.


Is there anyway to extend the search function in Tickets so that it can look through logs and notes?  Also would be helpful it could extend to Associated Company and Associated Contacts as well. 


Role: Service personnel

Goal: Search through tickets to that contain similar information

Value: Ability to effectively search through past tickets that extends beyond Ticket Name

Examples: Jira, MantisBT, most other ticketing/issue tracking systems.


Case: Search for tickets that mention printer.  (If printer was not mentioned in Ticket Name, those tickets would not appear in the search result)


Case: Search for all customers that contain the partial string "VA" in thier name so that all VA customers come up.



Yes please! I am failry new to HubSpot, but i really struggle with the search bar for my ticket system. 

I was thinking a toggle to search; title only, body only, title & body, etc.


for me, when a customer calls in and i want to add notes to their open ticket (which could be days or weeks old) i would like to search by something easy like their name, phone #, or location (site).



Teilnehmer/-in | Partner

There is also an inconsistency between the results returned in the header bar search and the Service Ticket search.  For example if you have 99213421 in a note related to a ticket and you search in the ticket search you get nothing, but if you search in the header bar search you get the ticket.  


From an overhead standpoint you are clearly okay searching through notes so why not support that in the ticket level search as well?  


Also, to expand on this idea I'd like to be able to add some structured data into custom fields and have it be searchable.  use Case: Work Order number in our field management system.  If I create a number field for that data I can't find the ticket with either search.  I should be able to search for some additional fields in tickets if needed in the same way that I can select extra fields to search on customers and contacts.  


Yes, I need this feature too. I'm currently trialing HubSpot service and potentially moving from FogBugz. Our previous support system had a far more powerful search engine, where I could search for any term within the body of support case (ticket), regardless of the field. I didn't expect to be losing this functionality by moving to Hubspot.



We are in the middle of moving from Zendesk to Hubspot for our Service department.
Sales and Marketing are already on full throttle and we love the idear to have a 360degrees view on our cutomer on all departments (and we love Hubspot so far).

Now we just found out that we cant search content inside emails/tickets. This makes the service part of Hubspot not usable, and this means we have to switch the whole company to an other software system.  (we rather not 😞 

Please is there any chance that the search function inside Hubspot will be expanded to search inside tickets and emails within the next 3 months. This would be the only way to keep us on board.


Are the developers from HubSpot actually monitoring this forum? It seems a little pointless users posting requests if they are simply going to be ignored. This request has been here over a year.


Can someone from HubSpot respond to this? even if it is to say this feature won't be happening. This is pretty basic functionality that even 10 year old customer support/bug tracking systems allow.


Would love to know an update to this. Tickets are useless to our support team until we can search by email. 


We also need to search inside emails. Now looking for alternative software. But it's such a basic function for a ticketing system to search inside all logged tickets


To add to this, I'd like to be able to search by ticket number.  I need to maintain a spreadsheet outside of HubSpot to track some of my requests (the dashboard just doesn't cut it for tracking in this case), and i always note the ticket#, but have no way of searching to get to it directly.  searching by email or name brings up too many options and being able to search by ticket would take me directly to where i want to be.


Hi @PFraser ,

As a temporary work around you can go straight to the ticket number by constructing your own URL like this where "ABC" is your HubSpot account ID and "DEF" is the ticket number:


Still, searching by ticket number is a great idea, HubSpot should implement it too.


Would love to be able to search the email body of tickets! We're looking to understand how many of the email responses include a link to the help center.


I am also waiting till we can finally search trough the email body of tickets. At this point the system is not really usefull as a support system because it lacks this feature. Really hope that Hubspot will fix this ASAP. I'm already waiting for more then 1.5 years for this feature!

Every support department I know, uses a database that can search trough the email body of support emails, so why isn't this implemented yet?


As of December 8, 2021, I've had some luck searching ticket contents through the search bar in ticket views. Can someone else please test this and let me know if you were successful?

Teilnehmer/-in | Partner
I tested it and I don't see it working at all.

No it doesn't work and you also have no filter to search in the text of the ticket, only in the resolution of the ticket


I was premature in my post. I found the search only works on the initial ticket conents, which in our system (not sure about others') shows up in the "description" property. Wish HubSpot allowed full ticket contents search without having to go into 'conersations.'


This would be very helpful for tickets as well. To search using wild cards, even better than a whole field, with the exact title or ticket number.