HubSpot Ideas


Ticket and Contact tokens available in workflows for notifcations

Currently, there is an ability to use a contact based workflow to send a notification about a ticket being submitted, but it would lack information about the ticket. On the other hand, there is an ability to send a notification about a new ticket, but it would lack information about the associated contact that submitted the Support Form. 

It would be great to set up a notification email that gave an at glance of information relative to both the ticket details and details about the contact that submitted it to have a better at glance view for those receiving these notifications. 

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: Delivered
September 12, 2023 07:06 AM

Hi Everyone,


In August of this year we launched a new feature that let's you add additional data sources to your workflows, which means you can use properties from both the enrolled record AND it's associated records (like tickets) in workflow actions like notifications. Check out this KB doc to learn more about adding data sources to your workflow:


Thank you,


Product Manager at HubSpot



15 Comentarios
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I wholeheartedly agree! My Support Team would love to have all the Tokens from both groups in the notification email, but I am unable to do that right now. This would really help when we're also searching for tickets in our e-mail client by the name of the contact, not by the ticket id that you can easily misplace or forget.


Absolutely, @Kgibson and @Yazz.  Thank you!


What is the status here please ?


I probably found a quick fix if the ticket is created via form.

Create an automation email template with all the data and trigger it not via the ticket workflow but by contact workflow based on the form submission..

Does it make sense ?


@Kgibson  how can you trigger a contact workflow when ticket is created ? I found only possibilty when support form is submitted.






This is definitely a must. Contact and company are attached to tickets but it's not possible to use them in email. I'm surprised it's not there from the beginning.  

Colaborador líder

I completely agree. I was referred to this Idea from Hubspot support as I asked why can we not access Contact personalization tokens when creating a Ticket workflow? We need to alert our team as to the Company Name associated with the ticket (at the very least), but we cannot access the Contact tokens. Support replied "It is precisely because each Object workflow allows you to access tokens from the Object being enrolled into the workflow."


I ask how can these tickets have immediate utility if our internal notifications don't even have access to the Company property? 


I am further saddened that this Idea was suggested almost 2 years ago and it is not even on the product roadmap yet. This is an essential feature for customer support.


This coupled with the lack of mobile access to tickets leave our company wondering if Hubspot is truly supporting the Service platform and if we should continue our subscription. 😞


Has been two years but still not getting this feature


Has this been updated?


any update on this ... I really need it


@Pavel_Sodomka - We are also burdened by not having this feature. We may have to utilize another product after years of use.

Did you ever get feedback on your inquiry? If so, can you share it?


Your notes were:

I probably found a quick fix if the ticket is created via form.

Create an automation email template with all the data and trigger it not via the ticket workflow but by contact workflow based on the form submission.

Does it make sense ?


How can you trigger a contact workflow when ticket is created? I found only possibilty when support form is submitted.


In my case I would really like to be able to use multiple objects tokens when sending email notification in a workflow. It seems kind of silly that I can have a email template with all of the cross object tokens and manually send thru the template but not have the same ability via the email feature in workflow. 


YES! I just had to completely recreate a really complex ticket-based workflow as a contact-based workflow, as well as create some redundant pseudo-ticket properties on my contacts, to achieve what should have been pretty basic functionality. Took me 3-4 hours of work to figure out, not including the wasted work I spent creating the original ticket-based workflow. Please implement this!


I'd sure love to hear how you resolved this, @SarahMayo1!! This is a feature that has had too many Upvotes to not get attention towards resolution, but it's hard to wait much longer for such. If you're able to share at all, I'd be very grateful!!

Estado actualizado a: Delivered
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hi Everyone,


In August of this year we launched a new feature that let's you add additional data sources to your workflows, which means you can use properties from both the enrolled record AND it's associated records (like tickets) in workflow actions like notifications. Check out this KB doc to learn more about adding data sources to your workflow:


Thank you,


Product Manager at HubSpot