HubSpot Ideas


Ticket Owner automation

It would be very beneficial to have the option within Ticket workflows to have a Ticket Owner auto assigned to the person who closes that ticket or even changes the status.


Reasoning for this is my team works at different times, and in different pipelines, so by default we have all tickets unassigned. 


Asking my team members to assign the ticket to themselves (another thing to find on the long list of properties to the left of the ticket view, and then another thing they have to click and select) is too much too ask. Currently the process to assign a Ticket Owner goes as follows;

1. Click the ticket owner window

2. Search for a ticket owner

3. Click the owner

4. Click save

Way too much clicking invovled to justify the action. 


I need to be able to see how my tickets my agents are closing, but don't want them to have another thing to do when it seems like it can be automated within the system. 

31 Kommentare



@AaronBoatin  On the demo Hubspot said: "We cloned all functionality of the Zendesk" , looks like this is not truth.

Currently I have 8 users it taken me 40 minutes to create workflow that assignes creator as an owner when ticket is moved to some of Statuses. 

I can't imagen how to manage team of 100 users?

Even more,  Hubspot toickets do not have "due date" attribute by default. You can create your own attribute, but you need to create all automation arround that attribute (sending notifications, SLA computation, approval of due date change and so on).

Stay at Zendesk 😉



@MM35 thanks for your comments. For us, this won't be an issue as we work tickets as a team and don't assign a user until close.


I can see how due date might be important for you, however, for our environment it is not a deal breaker. There are still some other things like this one, that we really need to get added for ServiceHub to at a bare minimum match Zendesk's UX.


Yeah, being able to have auto-assign features that can be enabled or disabled would be great. 


This is so necessary, even an "assign to me" button would help, as the amount of clicks we go through to assign a ticket to yourself are way too many!


@hubspot it has been 4 years since this was asked, any updates?


@AndyPitre Please look at how easy this is in Zendesk. I know the team has the ability to make this happen. (Also, this idea too😊)

Untitled design.gif



This woukd be very helpful, it is time consuming to assign every single ticket that comes into my pipeline when I am the only person that deals with the tickets, I action anc close almost all the tickets in the pipeline. An automated allocation to the person that closed the ticket would be highly beneficial


Of course it's an update that Hubspot must to be done... 


The manual update is a step that's often forgotten when the team are working through tickets, please give us a way to automate this either via a workflow or a setting 


End of 2024 - nothing implemented in 5 years, pretty sad. That really is a core feature and its not available. Please change this, hubspot.