HubSpot Ideas


Threaded Sequencing Email Subjects



I have sequence emails set up in a threaded manner.


However, each follow up email simply repeats the initial email subject instead of inserting a "RE:"


Is there way to have the subject line include a "RE: [SUBJECT]" such that it appears to the recipient that you've actually gone into the original email in your sent box and replied-all to the recipient as a follow up? 




HubSpot Updates
December 02, 2019 11:04 AM

Hi @BJG!


At this time when using Sequence threading, this is expected that follow up emails will not include "RE:" in front of the subject line of the email.


I am moving your message to the Ideas Forum to ensure it is on our product team's radar, and to enable other users to upvote and comment on this thread.


All the best,


34 Replies

Hi, I think it would be a great idea to be able to change the second sequence title. I see the system keeps the subject line the same but since I am putting a twist on the email, I would like to change the subject line as well.  Thank you, Janie

HubSpot Product Team

Hi @BJG!


At this time when using Sequence threading, this is expected that follow up emails will not include "RE:" in front of the subject line of the email.


I am moving your message to the Ideas Forum to ensure it is on our product team's radar, and to enable other users to upvote and comment on this thread.


All the best,



Ditto above.  This should be ridiculously easy to implement as well.


I agree with this... the whole idea of sequences is to make it look like we are sending one on one emails. As far as I've seen you cant reply to en email that's been sent without the RE: showing... you would have to manually remove it and no one does that!


Cheers - Charles


Agree with all the others here. It's enabled in the sales email sequences so it's threaded and prospects can refer to your previous emails.


Changing the subject line to reflect the purpose of the email and also try a different angle is proven to bring better results.
We need this feature. Thank you.


We just joined Hubspot this month and I would definitely like to push this as well. I typically send an 8-email sequence to prospects over the course of a few months, but I like to try different approaches with the longer term follow-ups and those involve playing with different subject lines. 


Hubspot please help with this one, this is mendatory !


I agree with everyone here. I have a 4 email sequence where I am including my demos (voiceover attachments and links) and it would be very helpful for prospects to see that in the thread to get the context (3 months later they may not remember the email came from me)...and a new subject line really helps with open rates. Right now I am manually copying the earlier emails in the sequence to new emails with a new subject line to make it seem like it's the same thread (even though the recipent then gets multiple email threads over time). It's a lot of manual work but a really big impact to be able to change the subject line in a thread


Has there been any update on this functionality within Hubspot sequences? If not, how have others worked around this constraint to only allowing one subject line? Any ideas would be appreciated. 


We're looking to modify the subject lines in a four step sequence. 

  • Email 1: "Unique Email Subject Line - A"
  • Email 2: "Unique Email Subject Line - B"
  • Email 1: "Unique Email Subject Line - C"
  • Email 1: "Unique Email Subject Line - D"

Thank you!


We would love this as well. You need to be able to change the subject line to something new. This is a gigantic flaw in seuqences and hoping on the winter road map for an update. 


PLEASE make this an immediate priority. Sales needs this feature, otherwise our emails will go straight to spam and be confusing for the end prospect. YesWare does a great job of this if anyone is looking to switch to them over hubspot. 


I conquer with @HaydenFES , this is absolutely necessary for setting up personalized cadences/sequences. I would also like to have the same font type/style and size in the email templates to be the same for my signature line. Please offer font types and sizes within your signature line.


My sequence is:

  • Email 1:
  • Call 
  • Email 2: unique subject line
  • Call
  • Email 3: unique subject line
  • Option: Email 4: unique subject line

I agree with everyone, the whole point of the sequence is to get the prospect clicking into the email. Seeing that this tread has been going on for while, has it been developed and if so where are the instructions on how to implement it?


I really hope to see this added soon. It is incredibly important for us during our sales process to be able to edit the subject lines in sequences. 

Could you please enable this feature... Not only the second email but all
other emails in the sequence!

Hi there,


In creating follow up emails in a workflow (i.e. the second and third emails in an email workflow), I wish to add "Re:" at the start of the subject line for these marketing emails - however, at present Hubspot will not allow me to do so. 


I believe this functionality exists in Sequences - however, I am not licenced to use Sequences, hence I wish to add "Re:" in my second and third Workflow emails.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Kind regards,




i swear threading used to have emails after the 1st in a sequence have the subject line of "RE: [email1]" and am pretty surprised to have learned this morning that the functionality has changed. what's the point of threading if they appear in the recipient's inbox as fresh, unconnected emails? 


this is a great idea, one i'm surprised isn't a part of the sequences setting and one i'd like to see implemented.


i'm commenting on this old thread at the suggestion of the very helpful support agent i've been chatting with for the past hour trying to figure out how to add RE to my subject lines to no avail. 


I can't believe this isn't a normal feature. You should be able to change the subject line per email message. Not OK. Please fix.


I agree.  Please make multiple email threads within sequences an option.  Different subject lines over time are proven to have better response rates.  When I receive 5 RE: emails with the same subject line, I find it mildly annoying as well.  My team has created tasks at the end of their short sequences to move to another sequence just to start with a new subject line.  Too many clicks.