Feedback surveys only allow two ways to customize the design in the Theme section:
Replace featured image (no resizing possible)
Change color of header bar
Result is Feedback Surveys do not align with brand standards and do not send an obvious signal to customers that they are legitimately from us.
Would like ability to create/change Feedback Survey Theme (templates) to align with our brand standards.
Full functionality would include this in Design Manager, similar to Pages, Emails, Posts, etc.
At a minimum, would expect to see options to change the Featured Image size and layout, enabling designs similar to those featured in HubSpot's article on well-designed surveys.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
We would love to have more customisation of surveys with font and additional branding. HubSpot even uses Survey Monkey instead of their own survey tool.
it would also be great to be able to customise further with page title and even utilise url edits to be more noticeable from the organisation. There would be advantages to also custom send email eg a/b test subject line, send a real test (and edit questions afterwards). Have more room on the thank you page for copy as well as on the email. The survey also needs a multi-select dropdown option for a question too especially when listing long list of options. Finally validation for required question on the stepped version to be question by question instead of at the end to avoid client having to go back.
The colour of the header bar can be changed by updating the theme colour (from the 'email' tab in the Survey). Note that this will also update other things like the button
+1 It would be extremely benefitial to be able to customize the follow up email/survey that is sent to users/customers when a support ticket is closed.
How has this not been addressed? First post was 2020. Provide the functionality of surveys without being allowed to tailor said survey? Please look into this
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