HubSpot Ideas


The ability to export blog post data with filters applied

I would really love to see the ability to export more segmented blog post data. As it stands it seems that the only thing you can export is a whole list of blog posts and their views/clicks/etc. I know you can apply filters in the system but you can't export a spreadsheet with those filters applied, and that would be extremely helpful for reporting purposes - specifically to be able to parse out those views/clicks/etc. by topic or tag. That way marketers & teams can see what topics are resonating most, and even improve their writing or the knowledge they're providing in the areas that aren't.

14 Commentaires

Baffles me that this is not possible, not just to export with a filter but that the filter data is not at all present in the download. 


I'm trying to understand which blog posts for a particular topic are most/least successful. I can see a view of this in Blog > Analyze > All Posts, filter by tag. But when I export the data so I can see more than 10 at a time, the tag data disappears. 


I have no way right now to accomplish these objectives, which are pretty important for a blog:

  1. Understand most/least successful posts for a particular tag
  2. Track overall readership by topic so we know which topics to ramp up and which to maybe revamp/retire
  3. Understand most/least successful posts for an author (some of our authors have written hundreds of posts)

Strangely I can download campaign information in the export, so it's even more bizarre to me that the other data is not included. Would this be easy to add?


Membre | Partenaire solutions Elite

I would really love to see the ability to export more segmented blog post data. As it stands it seems that the only thing you can export is a whole list of blog posts and their views/clicks/etc. I know you can apply filters in the system but you can't export a spreadsheet with those filters applied, and that would be extremely helpful for reporting purposes - specifically to be able to parse out those views/clicks/etc. by topic or tag. That way marketers & teams can see what topics are resonating most, and even improve their writing or the knowledge they're providing in the areas that aren't.


Beyond just being a "nice-to-have", this just became a "must-have" for our company as we are creating a seperate resources library for our clients, and need to export our blog data ALONG WITH TAGS and I am completely incredulous to have just discovered that Hubspot does not currently allow us to export a complete report of our own blog data. Without including tag data and other meta data, the ability to access and export our own blog data is essentially being blocked by Hubspot. 


Please fix asap, Hubspot. 


I badly need this feature, too. It would be great to see this happen soon.

Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Gold

We desperately need this! And it seems like it should be possible given the fact that the data is there!

Membre | Partenaire solutions Platinum

I'd like to second this notion! We desperately need it. I've just spent valuable time doing this manually and it is a bear. Tags should be included in your blog post export. 


Same here.  We need a blog post export including Tags desperately! Any news on this @Hubspot ?


I would love this option as well!! 


This feature is an absolute no-brainer. Please make this possible ASAP.


Make it rain, HubSpot!


Hi all,

as there is no reaction from Hubspot since more than a year and I struggled with the same topic as well (and also got no support from Hubspot) I found a workaround / solution.


Click the tab Reports and Analytics Tools and select Website Analytics.

Select the page type, adjust filter if needed and choose if you need to add unpublished pages as well. 

Next, hit the Export button.

Choose CSV file format (XLS or XLSX will work as well) and Hubspot generates an export file as zip for Download.

Open the ZIP file and have a look at the file cms-pages-table-export.

Et voilá - you should find every information we all searched for. And you can filter, adjust and calculate whatever you want.


This export file fits at least 95% of all my needs regarding export data.

Hope that helps for some of you. 🙂





What they said^. This feature would save us tons of time! Thanks, Halligan!

Statut mis à jour : Being Reviewed
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Hi everyone,


Thank you all for sharing your feedback and use cases, and I'm sorry you didn't get a response for so long! I assure you we read all posts, but we've not been great about closing the loop and updating you all, which is something we're working on improving on. 


My team is doing research into some of the underlying problems you all have pointed out here around reporting on and organizing lots of content. It's too early to say for sure what the solution will look like -- I don't think we'd just improve the export function, though, because that still means you're needing to do a lot of work in spreadsheets. (We might improve the exporting, too, but I think we can make a better solution overall and reduce how much work you're doing.)


On that note, if you would be willing to share more details about what you need from HubSpot and how you're using the tools today, I would love to hear from you! Please send me a message so we can connect.


Hope to hear from you soon,


Statut mis à jour : Being Reviewed
Équipe de développement de HubSpot



Since my last post in this thread, I've spoken with some users - including some who have posted here (thanks!) - and have continued to look into ways to improve content reporting overall. I am still looking to talk with more people 🙂


If you are currently doing work in excel or some other tool and would like more functionality from HubSpot in terms of reporting on your content, please reach out.


All the best,
