HubSpot Ideas


The Calendar

I am seeking to find any method possible to get notifications on my phone for tasks that I have scheduled. This would, in my belief, be an excellent time management tool.


I have sent a detailed reply to a previous forum post and the subsequent reply from the Community Manager answers none of my suggestions or questions.

The post link is:


I have searched the HubSpot blog and found a post that told us about 18 Google Calendar Features. Number 17 tells us that "it is quick and easy to set up this integration." It provides a link which gives a broken page 404 error. (Full details have been provided in another reply from me on the above mentioned forum post)

I have searched online for HubSpot Task Calendar and was linked to this page:

The page contains a hyperlink whose text says "The Calendar"

The hyperlink takes me to this page:

The page looks like this:

Where is 'The Calendar'.jpg


Where is 'The Calendar' that the article refers to?


I don't mind how or where I do this, I simply want my phone to bling and ping every time I have a due task.

Does anybody know how to set this up?

2 Replies

Ps you may find that the link given by The Calendar url requests a login

The screenshot in my initial should indicate where it points to though Smiley Wink

HubSpot Product Team

Hi there,


You can enable Mobile notifications for your CRM task reminders. The instructions to set this up can be found here:


