HubSpot Ideas


Task columns and Sorting Features

The single biggest time suck for my BDR's is sorting through daily tasks and figuring out what time zone they are in based on area code and sifting through contacts from the same company once they have connected with a DM. 


I propose a few simple fixes. 

1. Please allow us to sort tasks by several different categories, including:

Company Name

Time Zone

Job Title


These should all be headings for columns that are able to be added to the task dashboard for simple sorting and calling. 



4 Comentários

Agree! We need to be able to sort by time zone to help our process. 


Definitely need to have Time Zone or State as an optional column when looking at Tasks.  Ideally - this needs to match to Company location and possibly Contact location but for me - I don't know Contact location.  We coud be so much more efficient in filtering and organizing our calls.


Organizing by Company would be fantastic -- so I can do my follow-ups for one company all at the same time, while the company backstory is top of mind. 


Being able to organize leads during tasks by company name / associated company is something that needs to be put in place!