We have various things generating tasks - especially sequences. Task queues don't solve every problem - and many situations are more nuanced. As a result, tasks have become more cumbersome to manage - costing our team time rather than helping us save time when getting things done.
Would be AMAZING to have task-based workflows that:
trigger when things happen to tasks to create actions and automation in other areas of HubSpot
take action like making edits to tasks that have been created by users or through other means of automation (workflows + sequences)
This would allow us to assign or reassign tasks, edit other task properties, and even delete/complete tasks, all based on numerous conditions across HubSpot.
Thank you for your feedback and comments. Task workflows were added to the workflow tool in November. Any account with access to workflows will now see these as an option.
echo all of the above sentiment . . . some commentary from Hubspot on interest would be welcomed - still nothing scheduled product roadmap that we can locate
The ability to copy or modify task properties with workflows would be extremely helpful.
We use tasks in sequences to trigger workflows that send text messages. Because we can't store the message itself in the task, each message has to be written into the workflow. And because we can't modify the task in the workflow, we have to have rather elaborate logic to ensure that the right task and only the right task is being looked at. This makes adding new messages for new sequences a much more complicated task than it should be, so we only do it when we expect the sequence to be used heavily in the long term.
If we could store a message in the body of a task, and then close the task when the message is sent, we could cover all future messages with a single simple automation and let the messages get handled by the team that is creating the sequences. (I would also accept being able to add SMS messages to sequences and letting workflows target those so that we can trigger the sending of text messages that way instead of just recording them.)
We are missing this greatly - tasks are an essential way for internal coordination and follow-up. We need to be able to assign tasks based on rules, modify due dates (this cannot be done today - even when creating a task in a workflow) etc. Please take a closer look at tasks.
I've created an app that suits at least some of the use cases you've described, called Utilities for HubSpot.
As per the app's Usage Guide, installing the app makes available a number of custom workflow actions within your HubSpot portal, including "Delete Associated Tasks" and "Mark All Tasks as Complete". I'm also very open to developing new features for the app that would suit your use cases.
Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
All the best,
I enjoy sharing my technical HubSpot skills and knowledge with the community. I'm the owner-operator of Thread Integrations, a HubSpot Solutions Partner based in Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia and the the creator of StopWatch for HubSpot & Utilities for HubSpot.
This is still needed. Did this Idea grow cold or did HubSpot create some functionality for it?
I am trying to assign a Task queues based on the Service Hub ticket pipeline the Task is associated to but cannot do so. Am I missing something or is this and other task automation not built out?
Some tasks are very important to know when they have been checked off, especialy when collaborating with other team members on the same set of tasks.
Example Use Case:
When a Task is checked, we would like to be able to trigger a workflow to send an email to the owner (and any collaborators) indicating that the task has been completed.
It would be great if Hubspot also recorded the date and time that the Task was completed as well as the User who checked it off, so it can be referenced in the above email example.
Also can we please have the ability to SEARCH, MODIFY, and/or DELETE tasks through workflows!? Much thanks!! 😊
Following up on this since there's been almost 300 upvotes and 60 comments but we have not seen any action from HubSpot. Is that at least on the roadmap?