We have various things generating tasks - especially sequences. Task queues don't solve every problem - and many situations are more nuanced. As a result, tasks have become more cumbersome to manage - costing our team time rather than helping us save time when getting things done.
Would be AMAZING to have task-based workflows that:
trigger when things happen to tasks to create actions and automation in other areas of HubSpot
take action like making edits to tasks that have been created by users or through other means of automation (workflows + sequences)
This would allow us to assign or reassign tasks, edit other task properties, and even delete/complete tasks, all based on numerous conditions across HubSpot.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
definitely need it - i would be able to create task names by using workflows, and then it would be much easier for the team to search by name in the task page, as for now, all the tasks that are created from sequence are named automatically and don't have any indication of deal name or contact name.
Hi team, posting on behalf of my customer, their use case involves rotatating contact owners through a workflow, and they would really benefit from being able to automatically assign the previous tasks to the new contact owner either through an action within the workflow or just automaticaly when the new contact owner is assigned. thank you 😊
So needed. I am creating so many workarounds to use HubSpot for B2B cold-callers that automating placing tasks into a specific queue would be so helpful for the end-users. Some of them serve multiple areas and maintain separate task queues for those areas.
Also, when an employee leaves, there are situations where their customers are split between more than one owner. Task-based workflows mean I can reassign the existing tasks to the NEW owners. As it stands now, I cannot do that and it is really an oversight.
I am constantly running to the end with possible workflows we need because there are no workflows based on tasks.
In our case, the most important is to have a trigger: "user performed action" - assign an object to that user (who performed action on a task associated with that task
Please consider bumping the priority of this request. Tasks in general are lacking the flexibility needed to make them valuable. Task-based workflows are one such gap. Other gaps include adding and modifying properties in tasks.
Yes please, I would love to port Hubspot tasks over to Jira (our project management platform) with a workflow and have them sync. I don't like (nor does my team) managing tasks in two different locations.
We do like, however, the ease of setting up marketing/sales-related tasks in hubspots. Things like follow-ups are easy and intuitive to generate in hubspot, we'd just like them ported over to Jira so that we can be sure nothing falls through the cracks.
Is there any attention on this?? We continue to run into issues not having tasks as an available object in workflows. Could someone from Hubspot please comment?
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