When creating a task, it defaults to being due at 5 pm. There is no way to change the default for this. You need to manually change every task which is time-consuming. There should be an option for default this time to one of your choosing.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
@Anonymous though it was intentionally left out initially, we are now working to have task creation preferences apply to follow up tasks as well, so no need to create a separate idea for it now. Stay tuned for that update coming soon.
Now you can set your default due date/time and reminders for tasks created from the CRM. To do so, head to Settings>General>Tasks and set your preferences.
I am pleased to announce that now in beta are task creation defaults. This will enable you to customize your default due date, due time, and reminder when creating tasks through the CRM. If you're interested in getting beta access, please submit your information here.
Thanks for the spirited discussion around this one -- all points have been well made. We are actively working on a solution that will enable you to set your own custom default due date and reminder for tasks. As soon as it is ready for beta, I will post again here.
Thanks for the thoughtful commentary on this particular idea. We've since changed the default task due time to be 8:00 am.
We are also working to remove the "Due Time" requirement from tasks altogether. This will make it such that tasks only need a "Due Date" but not a "Due Time". I am changing the status of this idea to Being Reviewed as our team scopes out this work.
Sorry to hear about the frustration. One thing I wanted to clarify, it seems there's been a little confusion between what the due date and the reminder date are doing.
For the comment "Who wants to be reminded of the tasks they were supposed to do that day just before they're about to go home"
The reminder date/time is separate from the due date/time. For example, by default the task is set to be due at 5pm, and the reminder to be sent at 8am. In this case, you would be reminded at 8am, not 5pm.
The idea behind setting the default due date to 5pm was that you give yourself until the typical end of business day before that task is considered overdue. If the time was set to say 8am, as soon as the start of business, your task would be in red and considered overdue.
At any rate, we've been getting similar feedback from customers in other channels, and we are going to change the default time from 5pm to 8am.
As to having the ability to set a default time, this is something our team can look into.
I am pleased to announce that now in beta are task creation defaults. This will enable you to customize your default due date, due time, and reminder when creating tasks through the CRM. If you're interested in getting beta access, please submit your information here.
Is there a way to make the "default day" from midnight to midnight? Right now it seems like the default work day ends at 5:00 PM. This is great for most people, but not all.
On the android app (which is very good btw) if there is a task due at 6:00 PM that day, in the tasks section of the app, it will show up as a future task. This doesn't make sense because I might work until 9:00 PM and a task at 6:00 PM wouldn't be a future task, it would be a Due Today task! Would be soo conveneint if I didn't have to flip back and forth in the android app between "Due tasks" and Future tasks" just to make sure I got everything. The way it's set right now would make it easy to miss a task that is actually due today.
Now you can set your default due date/time and reminders for tasks created from the CRM. To do so, head to Settings>General>Tasks and set your preferences.
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Dee Sicklesteel Dee Sicklesteel Pronouns: she/her Director of Sales 604-684-9943 x105 1-855-552-7746 x105 Aprio Inc. Suite 1090, 1090 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 3V7 www.aprioboardportal.com
thanks for the update! Could you please also make the default task time the same for follow up tasks after logging a call? Either by making a time section in the screenshot below OR copy the default time set in the latest update for the date set. It would be good to support task creation defaults for follow up tasks as well as these are used predominantly at my company.
I'm hoping we will soon be able to also have the option to select a 12 month follow-up. The furthest away option is just 6 months currently which is fine if your sales cycle is relatively short but most of our tasks require a follow-up in 9-12 months which means we have to select a custom date every time.
Revising a Task Due Date: Reminder Date/Time Not Immediately Refreshing
This isn't huge but thought you should know.
Prerequisite: Task default for Reminders set to "At task due time".
1) Edit the Due Date for a Task - for example, advance the date
2) The Reminder for the Task does not refresh to reflect the new Due Date date/time prompting the user to set it manually.
In fact, the Reminder has updated to the new date/time and is visible if you refersh the page. The time background refresh also displays the correct new date/time for the Reminder.
@sjudson before I create a new idea, I just wanted to check if this was intentionally left out or something not included in the original scope.
After setting defaults for task creation, those settings do not apply to the defaults used when checking the box at the bottom of a new email send to set a follow up task. Whether tying in to the existing setting or creating a new setting, it would be nice if creating a task via any method would be customizable to the user.
@Anonymous though it was intentionally left out initially, we are now working to have task creation preferences apply to follow up tasks as well, so no need to create a separate idea for it now. Stay tuned for that update coming soon.
Thanks for the thoughtful commentary on this particular idea. We've since changed the default task due time to be 8:00 am.
We are also working to remove the "Due Time" requirement from tasks altogether. This will make it such that tasks only need a "Due Date" but not a "Due Time". I am changing the status of this idea to Being Reviewed as our team scopes out this work.
Thank you,
In particular, I am wondering about the status of the following:
We are also working to remove the "Due Time" requirement from tasks altogether. This will make it such that tasks only need a "Due Date" but not a "Due Time". I am changing the status of this idea to Being Reviewed as our team scopes out this work.
Thank you for any updates or feedback on this issue
The ability to toggle times on and off would be great. I personally prefer to have times on taks and I like to space them out throughout my day. But it they were all for the set day its not the biggest problem in the world.
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