When creating a task, it defaults to being due at 5 pm. There is no way to change the default for this. You need to manually change every task which is time-consuming. There should be an option for default this time to one of your choosing.
@Anonymous though it was intentionally left out initially, we are now working to have task creation preferences apply to follow up tasks as well, so no need to create a separate idea for it now. Stay tuned for that update coming soon.
Now you can set your default due date/time and reminders for tasks created from the CRM. To do so, head to Settings>General>Tasks and set your preferences.
I am pleased to announce that now in beta are task creation defaults. This will enable you to customize your default due date, due time, and reminder when creating tasks through the CRM. If you're interested in getting beta access, please submit your information here.
Thanks for the spirited discussion around this one -- all points have been well made. We are actively working on a solution that will enable you to set your own custom default due date and reminder for tasks. As soon as it is ready for beta, I will post again here.
Thanks for the thoughtful commentary on this particular idea. We've since changed the default task due time to be 8:00 am.
We are also working to remove the "Due Time" requirement from tasks altogether. This will make it such that tasks only need a "Due Date" but not a "Due Time". I am changing the status of this idea to Being Reviewed as our team scopes out this work.
Sorry to hear about the frustration. One thing I wanted to clarify, it seems there's been a little confusion between what the due date and the reminder date are doing.
For the comment "Who wants to be reminded of the tasks they were supposed to do that day just before they're about to go home"
The reminder date/time is separate from the due date/time. For example, by default the task is set to be due at 5pm, and the reminder to be sent at 8am. In this case, you would be reminded at 8am, not 5pm.
The idea behind setting the default due date to 5pm was that you give yourself until the typical end of business day before that task is considered overdue. If the time was set to say 8am, as soon as the start of business, your task would be in red and considered overdue.
At any rate, we've been getting similar feedback from customers in other channels, and we are going to change the default time from 5pm to 8am.
As to having the ability to set a default time, this is something our team can look into.
After reading the previous posts, this default time should be a custom field so that everyone can taylor it to its own needs.
I understand the point of view as a manager.
As an independent user, I prefer a default time setup at 5:30 pm, so that my day tasks don't go overdue after 8:00 am, that is before I get to the office.
Many thanks for allowing everyone to custom that default time field.
Along with many others here, I believe the forum contributors are all asking for the same thing.
Having the abilty to turn timed reminders on/off, and then being able to customise the default time, will save me and my team a considerable amount of effort.
Timed responses drives great behaviour regarding follow ups with customers.
Having the default set to 8am is just about the worst time for us, as the time zones we work in require this to be much earlier. The act of selecting an earlier time, each and every time we enter a task is really inefficient.
It's hard to believe there is that much dev work involved in making this optional and user specified.
In an effort to make Hubspot better fit the needs of the users please fix this issue.
Only a small percentage of Hubspot users will take the effort to add a coment to this forum but it is my guess that a large part of the people that use task on a daily basis are in urgent need of this functionality an I am one of them.
Is there a place where users can add feature request? Maybe a +1 function on feature requests can help Hubspot prioritize new features.
Plus one for this feature. If anything, the default setting should be that the task becomes overdue at the end workday, if not completed. When you show up to work and have thirty tasks that you intended to be executed that same day, it's not true that they're overdue. It's factually inaccurate.
So what is the rule of thumb for HubSpot to respond to these feature requests?
Do they sit here until enough people join the thread, or do they go into a weekly / monthly review by HubSpot?
I moved here bcz of the awesome current processes vs my old CRM, but would like to think their interaction with users results, at least, in someone from HubSpot joining the thread with feedback.
What is the experience of other, long term, users?
Please allow for the default follow up date from 3 business days to user selected. We use 2 business days for our follow ups, not 3 business days. So, every email, we have to change the default.
It would be nice if we could do our own default time for a task under our settings. That way everyone can have it specifically meet their needs. If it has to be the same for everyone, I would like it to default at 5:00 PM. I'm not fond of the "red text" the beginning morning showing that I'm already overdue 🙂
Yes, this is very annoying as I get a bunch of e-mails AND iphone app notifications every morning when I'm not even at work yet. And it's a small inconvenience to change the task reminder time each time, but when you do this 20 times a day, each day, it really gets on your nerves.
By default, you have to click 2 places - or my reps have to remember to go back and reset the task follow up time to the default time. You're forced to select at a minimum "1 business day" and by default 8am. This should be the same menu as the other tasks created - you can pick your exact date and time (it will vary based on situation -sometimes the follow up will be the same day, a few hours, sometimes it will be the next day, sometimes it will be 3 days/5 days/etc.)
I think you should be able to remove the time all together. I am not refering to the reminder, but the task itself. I dont use task as exact times so my default is 8 AM and when i come in every morning, all my task for that day are red and show as over due.
This is 2 years on from when the original idea was submitted and still such a simple thing has not been actioned. Still on the fence about hubspot- lack of response around issues such as this do not help.
I agree with dguido, I rarely have a task that I need to do at an exact time. I have tasks that I need to do a certain day. A default of 8am not only means that everything is overdue immediately and shows as red (which is annoying), but because it's overdue, it also means that the "Next Activity Date" for that company disappears.
This affects any filters where you are trying to filter out companies with a Next Activity Date as companies now with overdue tasks show up in this filter.
I would much rather default having no time associated with a task, and allowing a rep to specify a time when it truly needs to be done at a certain time. If it's really really time sensitive, you should probably just put it in your calendar or set a reminder.
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