When creating a task, it defaults to being due at 5 pm. There is no way to change the default for this. You need to manually change every task which is time-consuming. There should be an option for default this time to one of your choosing.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
This could also be accompanied by the ability to create custom task templates.
Example: I send over a contract and want to remind myself to follow up by the end of the next day to see if there are any questions. This same task is created over and over, but it's low enough volume and differs enough amongst reps that it's not worth creating/maintaining a workflow to accomplish this.
I anticipate that this functionality could be useful for both individual tasks or in workflows.
Myself and my team would find it really useful if the 2 tasks could not be scheduled together. For example if the first task is 8am, then the next task is 8.15 then 8:30 and so on.
This would be much easier to manage than all the notifications coming in at once.
My issue is related, but not exactly the same. By default, Hubspot used to set an email reminder for "the day of" whenever I created a task for myself. So I got used to relying on the emails the day of as the tasks I needed to do that day. At some point this changed, and I missed if there was an announcment about it, but I am still finding tasks out there that never sent me a reminder and didn't get done. So my hope would be that we can change our own defaults for task reminders so that I can once again have it set to "the day of", as that process is one I got used to since I started using Hubspot over two years ago...
Implementation shouldn't be insane... it's really giving the ability to change a single value in the HubSpot database... just needs a front end dropdown/timepicker field.
Opting in or out of the automatic reminder suits me. When setting a task that would save having to put in a reminder for each task. I see others want to default to 'no reminder' when setting a task. Having the option to set your own default seems to be the right solution.
I get this. There is so much more. I don't know how to initiate feedback so doing it here:
1. Criteria should be set so that any task that is new or existing defaults to a reminder one day prior to the task being due. Why? Because relying on a manual entry is not a good standard.
2. And...having to correct these manually one at a time is even more unproductive. There needs to be a global radio button that allows me to select a one day in advance reminder globally for all tasks.
3. A task should always appear in my queue unless I have: unfollowed a contact, or personally deleted the task. A task should NEVER expire on its own. Why? because I lose dozens of hard worked prospects when the tasks drop off. Should never happen. The only way to catch these in your system is to run a manual report and go through them one at a time. Even then, you can't tell which ones you need to see. Same thing with the tasks that default in contacts.
4. I should NEVER see a task on a file that I have unfollowed. I shoulld ALWAYS see tasks that hvae not been unfollowed. I should ALWAYS get a task reminder for those one day in advance.
The ability to choose default email notification settings on a user by user basis seems obvious. While there is a vocal group here looking to eliminate the individual email notifications - for good reason, it is obvious that HubSpot simply yielded to the "squeakly wheel". While that ship has sailed, for future reference, fixing issues is always appreciated but not so much when you arbitrarily do something for one set of users while undercutting another set of users.
Put the user in control to configure these defaults to fit their workflow is basic UX and should have been the step taken.
It would be really handy to set the reminder to automatic as well. I have noticed that it is no longer setting one automatically (a reminder). Is anyone else finding this? Is this something I can already fix?
Thanks for the spirited discussion around this one -- all points have been well made. We are actively working on a solution that will enable you to set your own custom default due date and reminder for tasks. As soon as it is ready for beta, I will post again here.
Please look at how the mobile app works, the default time is the same time as it currently is which makes so much more sense
Ian Morrell Head of Sales
[Climate Control Systems logo] O +1.519.322.2515 M +1.519.760.8882 E ian@nebulagroup.ca A 408 Mersea Road 3 Leamington, ON N8H 3V5 W climatecontrol.com
this is definitely a must and wouldn't require too much coding. Even instead of having a default time you can have the ability to change the time when setting up a task after logging a call
@sjudson For the tasks which I create manually, I can set reminders to send me an email before due date. But when tasks are created using workflows and sequences, how can I set reminders for the tasks before due date(1 day reminder email before due date)?
@sjudson - any update on the proper parameterization of Task notifications? Our people are starting to miss stuff because no default reminder is being set on Tasks they create. Even the old approach with a default time for the notification is better than no notification.
Also, the digest email says "you have 6 tasks due today" and just lists 3 and no active link to the actual contact. Not really useful. HubSpot's individual notification emails are excellent.
I'm glad to see this in the works, I am struggling with this as well. I would like to see no time on the due section. I can keep it blank. In addition to the ability to change the default. Thanks!
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