HubSpot Ideas


Targetted Linked In posts

When creating a LinkedIn post through HubSpot, it would come in handy to have the feature to select language, country … to target the post.

I want to use the LinkedIn social posting tool for all our LinkedIn posts. We have two key audiences, one French speaking and one English and therefore I want only the French speaking audience to see the French posts and vice versa. This doesn't seem possible from with the HubSpot social tool, only through LinkedIn directly via Target Audience settings (Language, Region,job function, Location, company size, industry,…) - see attachementSchermafbeelding 2021-08-13 om 14.34.33.pngSchermafbeelding 2021-08-13 om 14.26.48.pngSchermafbeelding 2021-08-13 om 14.26.55.png


Is this already available / possible? Or when will this be available - For Facebook it already is active...




Status aktualisiert zu: In Planning
September 12, 2023 10:42 AM

3 Kommentare

Also looking for this feature. Looks like there are a couple threads on this topic, so I went and upvoted them all:

HubSpot Community - Targeting possibilities for Social Media posting - Page 5 - HubSpot Community


I too am looking for this feature. Appreciate the screenshots for how to target posts in channel. 

Status aktualisiert zu: In Planning